As of August 11, 2020, the submission process has changed. Please refer to the Dissertation Information page for information, instructions and links.
Dissertations can be accessed from the Library digital repository (CTDA).
Submissions From 2015
Improving Provider Identification and Management of Overweight and Obesity in Primary Care, Sarah F. Knoeckel
Capital Structure, Labor Relations, and Determinants of Voluntary Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting, Elizabeth Kohl
Single Cell Resolution Mapping of mRNA and Protein Expression Dynamics During Human Somatic Cell Reprogramming to Pluripotency, Frederick W. Kolling IV
Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Metabolic Reprogramming in Human Breast Cancer Cells, Yuvabharath Kondaveeti
Modeling Heterogeneity in Growth Mixture Models: A Case Study of Model Selection using Direct Behavior Rating, Janice Kooken
Margaret Fuller's Conversations: Self and Other in Nineteenth-Century Literary and Intellectual Culture, Kathryn A. Kornacki
Electrochemical Based Detection of Cancer Biomarker Proteins using Multi-labeled Magnetic Particles in Microfluidic Systems, Colleen Ellen Krause
Electrochromic Polymer Composites Forming in Solid Gel Matrix and Flexible Electrode for Photonic Application, Amrita Kumar
Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Transition Metal Oxide Based Functional Materials for Multi-Phase Catalytic Applications, Chung-Hao Kuo
Nanoscale Photovoltaic Performance of Thin Film Solar Cells by Atomic Force Microscopy, Yasemin Kutes
It’s All Fun and Games Until . . . Exploring Immersion into Sexually Objectifying and Violent Video Games, Jessica M. LaCroix
Model-Based Clustering of Incomplete Data, Chantal Larose
Encoding of Shape and Repetition Rate in the Rat Auditory Cortex, Christopher M. Lee
Cost-effective Sizing and Control Algorithms of Battery Energy Storage System, Yong-Duk Lee
Malware Collection and Analysis via Hardware Virtualization, Tamas K. Lengyel
Resolving Amphitropical Phylogeographic Histories in the Common Dung Moss Tetraplodon (Bryopsida: Splachnaceae)., Lily Roberta Lewis
Photoacoustic Imaging for Ovarian Cancer Detection: System Development and Classification Algorithm, Hai Li
How and When does Psychological Empowerment Affect Individual Effectiveness: A Multilevel Investigation, Hyoun Sook Lim
Scalable Optimization Algorithms for High-throughput Genomic Data, James Lindsay
When Marketing Strategies Meet Wall Street, Shan Lin
High Speed All Optical Switching and Encryption using Ultrafast Devices, Wenbo Li
Photo-crosslinkable O2-riched PEGylated Terpolymer for Long-term Enhanced Glucose Sensing, Zhe Li
Methods Development and New Reaction Discovery in the Synthesis of Natural Product-like Molecules, Chris Lorenc
Unpacking the Dynamics of Cross-Unit Coordination: A Multi-Level Quasi-Experimental Investigation of Patient Handoffs, Margaret Mary Luciano
The Relationship Between Faith-based Youth Group Participation and Academic Achievement of High School Students, Janis E. Lucky-Otello
Cooperative, Cognitive and Coordinated Communications for Underwater Acoustic Networks, Yu Luo
The Influence of Modality on the Antihypertensive Effects of Exercise: A Meta-Analysis, Hayley Vanessa MacDonald
Unitary k-Hessenberg Matrices, Michael Mackenzie
Spectroscopy and Photophysics of Carotenoids in Solution and in Light-harvesting Pigment-Protein Complexes, Nikki Cecil M. Magdaong
I. Rules of Macrocycle Topology: a [13]-Macrodilactone Case Study II. A Cardiac Glycoside Activities Link the Ion-transport Function of Na+/K+ ATPase to Breast Cancer Migration Via Correlative SAR, Anniefer N. Magpusao
Modulation of Cannabinoid Receptor Activity by Allosteric Modulators, Inverse Agonists and Receptor Binding Partners, Mariam Mohamed Mahmoud
Under the Table: The Precariat in Contemporary U.S. Culture, Michelle Maloney-Mangold
Using Twitter to Analyze Stock Market and Assist Stock and Options Trading, Yuexin Mao
The Impact of Rater Personality and Purpose of Appraisal on Performance Ratings, Matthew D. Marmet
Computability Theory and Ordered Groups, Caleb J. Martin
Polymer Brushes: Surface Initiated and Bottlebrush Self-Assembly, Andre P. Martinez
Comparative Effectiveness Of Injury Prevention Programs In Female Adolescent Athletes, Jessica C. Martinez
Simulation Guided Synthesis and Processing of Polymer Dielectrics, Rui Ma
Exploring the Duration of the Effects of Classroom-Based Physical Activity on Elementary Student Engagement, Cheryl Maykel
Pregnant and Lactating Women: Relationships between Hydration Biomarkers and Fluid Intake, Amy McKenzie
Novel Chemical Tools and Methods for Quantitative Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics, Adam Jay McShane
Seismic Transverse Response of Multi-Frame Bridges, Masoud Mehrraoufi
Parallel Read-Alouds: A Bilingual Repeated Read-Aloud and Retelling Intervention for Kindergarten ELLs, Darci Melchor
Strategy and Context: Women’s and Urban Squatters’ Movements in Portugal, Daniela F. Melo
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructure Materials as Catalysts for Environmental and Energy Storage Applications, Yongtao Meng
Development of New Synthetic Methodologies: Continuous-Flow Processing, Oxoammonium Salt-Mediated Transformations, and Organofluorine-Focused Reactions, Michael A. Mercadante
Garden Pedagogy: Forming Gender and Sexuality in Romantic Literature, Chantelle Messier
Hybrid Matrix Design for Cartilage-Mediated Bone Tissue Engineering, Paiyz E. Mikael
Function and Regulation of the Postsynaptic Exchange Factor, Kalirin-7, Megan B. Miller
Aging and Cycling Performance: an Evaluation of Joint Kinematics and Movement Patterns, Kamyar Momeni
Morphosyntax and Tonology of Sotho Languages, Irina V. Monich
Domains on the Border: Between Morphology and Phonology, Beata A. Moskal
Rhetoric and Relationship in Milton's Paradise Lost, Matthew T. Mroz
Pervasively Offside: A Gendered Analysis of Sportscasting, Michael Mudrick
Nahua Perspectives on Natural Resources, Labor, and Social Well-Being, Alejandra P. Navarro-Benbow
The Diversity of Latino Ideology, Juhem Navarro-Rivera
Engineering Creativity: Differences in Creative Problem Solving Stages Across Domains, Lamies J. Nazzal
Dynamics Between Weavers and Voluntourists in Guatemala: Giving Ideas, Taking Photos, Rebecca L. Nelson
Skilled Linguistic Action in English as a Second Language Learners’ Play of World of Warcraft (WoW): A Distributed View, Kristi J. Newgarden
Tumor Suppressor Role of Abl Kinase in CrkI-Transformed Fibroblasts and Its Implication in Human Cancer Cells, Khong Ying Ng
Nipe-Nikupe: A Multi-level Perspective of Gender and HIV Prevention in Heterosexual Marriages in Kenya, Rose Anne N. Njiru
Understanding Social Responsibility Using the Theory of Planned Behavior: The Connecticut Gatekeeper Program, Dwight l. Norwood
Development of Functionalized Nanoporous Materials for Biomass Transformation to Chemicals and Fuels, Iman Noshadi
When the Kola Nut (Cola Acuminata) Meets the Electric Slide: Constructing Transnationalisms, Rita Offiaeli
Social Functioning in Individuals with a History of Autism Spectrum Disorders Who Achieved Optimal Outcomes, Alyssa J. Orinstein
The Good Behavior Game for Latino English Language Learners in a Small Group Setting, Jennifer Ortiz
Graded Cryptographic Primitives, Murat Osmanoglu
Design and Synthesis of Electrochromic and Highly Conductive Polymers for Flexible and Stretchable Electronics, Michael Thomas Otley
Social Network Community Detection, Guang Ouyang
Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Transition Metal Oxide Nanomaterials as Efficient Sorbents and Emerging Catalysts and Investigation of Carbon Structure-Oxidation Activity Correlations, Lakshitha R. Pahalagedara
Design, Synthesis and Applications of Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs), Mixed Metal Oxides (MMOs) and Nanocomposites as Efficient Sorbents and Multi-Functional Catalysts, Madhavi N. Pahalagedara
Control and Integration Strategies for Bidirectional and Unidirectional Converters in Residential Distributed Power Systems, Sung Min Park
Understanding the Hydrological Impacts of Climate Variability and Climate Change based on Numerical Modeling and Observations, Dana Thomas Parr
Amylin Structure, Aggregation and Pancreatic β Cell Toxicity, Sharadrao Patil
Reduction of Obesity-associated Chronic Inflammation by Low-fat Yogurt, Ruisong Pei
Multiple Periodic Solutions of a Nonlinear Suspension Bridge System of Partial Differential Equations, Ryan H. Pellico
The Daily Relationship Between Food Insecurity and Medication Adherence Among People Living with HIV, Jennifer A. Pellowski
Electronic Structure Calculations of Monolayer–Protected Gold NanoClusters to Aid Spectroscopic Analysis, Neranjan V. Perera
The Impact of Stigmatized Identities and Culture on the Mental Health of East and South Asian Americans, Alefiyah Z. Pishori
Characteristics of Tremorogenesis and Tremorolytic Agents in a Pharmacological Rodent Model of Parkinsonism: Evidence from Behavioral, Neurochemical, and Electrophysiological Studies, Samantha J. Podurgiel
Effectiveness of an Intermittent Heat Exposure Protocol to Maintain Heat Acclimation, J Luke Pryor
Lasting Effects of Exercise in Heat on Subsequent Exercise and Thermoregulation, Riana R. Pryor
First Time Mothers’ Experiences of a Planned Cesarean Birth, Denise Puia
Real System Features and Implications in Underwater Acoustic Networks, Lina Pu
Crossover Youth: Person-Centered Approaches to Understanding Youth Involved in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems, Kellie G. Randall
Optical Measurements of Whitecaps and Bubbles During Large Scale Wave Breaking in the Southern Ocean, Kaylan L. Randolph
At the Manager-Analyst Interface: Bonding, Reciprocity And Assurances, Rebecca A. Ranucci
Investigation of Factors Affecting Opalescence and Phase Separation in Protein Solutions, Ashlesha S. Raut
Monitoring of Breathing Activity using Smartphone-acquired Signals, Bersain A. Reyes
Hartford Open Choice Students' School Engagement: The Role of Individual Characteristics and School Attributes, Loida Reyes
The Universal and Language-specific Features of Skilled Reading in a Brāhmī-derived Writing System: Case of Hindi/Devanāgari, Anurag Rimzhim
Patients’ Mental Models and Adherence to Outpatient Physical Therapy Home Exercise Programs, Jon J. Rizzo
Sub-ten Nanosecond Laser Pulse Shaping Using Lithium Niobate Modulators and a Double-pass Tapered Amplifier, Charles E. Rogers III