Open Access Author Fund Awardees' Articles | UConn Library | University of Connecticut
From 2011 to 2014, the UConn Library offered this monetary award to faculty members, post-doctoral researchers, staff members, or graduate students, to support the publication of scholarly articles in peer-reviewed, fully open access journals. The fund paid part or all the cost of Authors' fees to publish in a OAJ. This page provides access to all the awardees' articles funded through this initiative.


Awardees' articles from 2014


Toward a Dynamical Theory of Body Movement in Musical Performance, Roger Chaffin and Alexander P. Demos


Single Cell Analysis Reveals the Stochastic Phase of Reprogramming to Pluripotency Is an Ordered Probabilistic Process, Kyung-Min Chung, Frederick W. Kolling IV, Matthew D. Gajdosik, Steven Burger, Alexander C. Russell, and Craig E. Nelson


From Iconic Handshapes to Grammatical Contrasts: Longitudinal Evidence From a Child Homesigner, Marie Coppola


Phonemic restoration in developmental dyslexia, Stephanie N. Del Tufo and Emily B. Myers


Lineage Tracing of Resident Tendon Progenitor Cells during Growth and Natural Healing, Nathaniel A. Dyment, Yusuke Hagiwara, Brya G. Matthews, Yingcui Li, Ivo Kalajzic, and David W. Rowe


Steps to Growing Up Healthy: a Pediatric Primary Care Based Obesity Prevention Program for Young Children, Amy A. Gorin, James Wiley, Christine McCauley Ohannessian, Dominica Hernandez, Autherene Grant, and Michelle M. Cloutier


Effect of Chlorine Exposure on the Survival and Antibiotic Gene Expression of Multidrug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in Water, Deepti Prasad Karumathil and Hsin-Bai Yin


Theta Dynamics in Rat: Speed and Acceleration across the Septotemporal Axis, Lauren L. Long, James R. Hinman, Chi-Ming Chen, Monty A. Escabi, and James J. Chrobak


Lower-extremity Joint Kinematics and Muscle Activations During Semi-reclined Cycling at Different Workloads in Healthy Individuals, Kamyar Momeni, Pouran D. Faghri, and Martinus Evans


Analysis, Optimization and Verification of Illumina-Generated 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Surveys, Michael C. Nelson, Jacquelynn Benjamino, and Joerg Graf


Evaluation of an Integrated Framework for Biodiversity with a New Metric for Functional Dispersion, Steven J. Presley and Michael R. Willig


Examining Effects of Anticipated Stigma, Centrality, Salience, Internalization, and Outness on Psychological Distress for People with Concealable Stigmatized Identities, Diane M. Quinn, Michelle K. Williams, Francisco Quintana, Jennifer L. Gaskins, Alefiyah Pishori, and Giselle Perez Lougee


Synthetic Lethality Induced by a Strong Drosophila Enhancer of Expanded Polyglutamine Tract, Ping Zhang, Qiming Wang, Hannah Hughes, and Gino Intrieri

Awardees' articles from 2013


Reproducibility of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Changes from the Initial Values on Two Different Days, Garrett I. Ash


Semi-automated Curation of Metabolic Models via Flux Balance Analysis: A Case Study with Mycoplasma Gallisepticum, Eddy J. Bautista, Joseph Zinski, Steven M. Szczepanek, Erik L. Johnson, Edan R. Tulman, Steven J. Geary, and Ranjan Srivastava


Volatility in mRNA Secondary Structure as a Design Principle for Antisense, Erik Johnson and Ranjan Srivastava


Determination of Dosage Compensation of the Mammalian X Chromosome by RNA-seq is Dependent on Analytical Approach, Nathaniel K. Jue, Michael B. Murphy, Seth D. Kasowitz, Sohaib M. Qureshi, Craig J. Obergfell, Sahar Elsisi, Robert J. Foley, Rachel J. O’Neill, and Michael J. O’Neill


A Detergent-free Strategy for the Reconstitution of Active Enzyme Complexes from Native Biological Membranes into Nanoscale Discs, Ashley R. Long, Catherine C. O’Brien, Ketan Malhotra, Christine T. Schwall, Arlene D. Albert, and Nathan N. Alder


Novel Space Alters Theta and Gamma Synchrony Across the Longitudinal Axis of the Hippocampus., Stephanie C. Penley, James R. Hinman, Lauren L. Long, Etan J. Markus, Monty A. Escabí, and James J. Chrobak


The Plastid Genome of Najas flexilis: Adaptation to Submersed Environments Is Accompanied by the Complete Loss of the NDH Complex in an Aquatic Angiosperm, Elena L. Peredo, Ursula M. King, and Donald H. Les


Highlights from the Functional Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated with Human Muscle Size and Strength or FAMuSS Study, Linda S. Pescatello and Paul D. Thompson


Examining a Ripple Effect: Do Spouses’ Behavior Changes Predict Each Other’s Weight Loss?, Anna E. Schierberl-Scherr and Amy A. Gorin


The Effect of Robot-Child Interactions on Social Attention and Verbalization Patterns of Typically Developing Children and Children with Autism between 4 and 8 Years, Sudha Srinivasan and Anjana Bhat


A Review of “Music and Movement” Therapies for Children with Autism: Embodied Interventions for Multisystem Development, Sudha M. Srinivasan and Anjana N. Bhat


A Behavioral Evaluation of Sex Differences in a Mouse Model of Severe Neuronal Migration Disorder, Dongnhu T. Truong, Ashley Bonet, Amanda R. Rendall, Glenn D. Rosen, and Roslyn Holly Fitch

Awardees' articles from 2012


Annual Glyphosate Treatments Alter Growth of Unaffected Bentgrass ( Agrostis ) Weeds and Plant Community Composition, Collin W. Ahrens and Carol A. Auer


The Efficacy of Exercise in Reducing Depressive Symptoms among Cancer Survivors: A Meta-Analysis, Justin C. Brown, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Linda S. Pescatello, Emily Moker, Jessica M. LaCroix, and Blair T. Johnson


Striped Bass Consumption of Blueback Herring during Vernal Riverine Migrations: Does Relaxing Harvest Restrictions on a Predator Help Conserve a Prey Species of Concern?, Justin P. Davis, Eric T. Schultz, and Jason C. Vokoun


Unique Small RNA Signatures Uncovered in the Tammar Wallaby Genome, James Lindsay, Dawn M. Carone, Judy Brown, Laura Hall, Sohaib Qureshi, Sarah E. Mitchell, Nicholas Jannetty, Andrew Pask, Michael O’Neill, and Rachel O’Neill


Efficient Algorithms for Fast Integration on Large Data Sets from Multiple Sources, Tian Mi, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, and Robert H. Aseltine


Expression and Putative Function of Innate Immunity Genes under in situ Conditions in the Symbiotic Hydrothermal Vent Tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae, Spencer V. Nyholm and Corey Bunce


Nuclear DNA Content and Genome Size of American Ginseng, Samuel G. Obae


Genes for the Major Structural Components of Thermotogales Species’ Togas Revealed by Proteomic and Evolutionary Analyses of OmpA and OmpB Homologs, Amanda K. Petrus, Kristen S. Swithers, J. Peter Gogarten, Chaman Ranjit, and Kenneth M. Noll


Analyzing Self-similar and Fractal Properties of the C. Elegans Neural Network, Tyler M. Reese, Antoni Brzoska, and Daniel J. Kelleher

Awardees' articles from 2011


Sex Differences in Mechanisms and Outcome of Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia in Rodent Models: Implications for Sex-Specific Neuroprotection in Clinical Neonatal Practice, Courtney A. Hill and Roslyn Holly Fitch