"Wrack Lines Volume 21, Number 1, Born Out of Crises: responses, resear" by Lynn Bonner, Robert J. Klee et al.

Wrack Lines

Document Type

Magazine Issue


Agribusiness | Agricultural and Resource Economics | Agricultural Economics | Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations | Environmental Policy | Environmental Studies | Marine Biology | Other Animal Sciences | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Environmental Health | Public Affairs


Articles in this issue explore various actions taken in response to different crises: lessons about the environment from the COVID-19 pandemic; how seafood sellers in the CT and Southeast Asia responded to the challenges of the pandemic; how the challenges of rising seas and developed coasts are being dealt with through managed retreat, buyouts and other actions in NC and CT; and research on the long-term effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on dolphins led by CTSG Director Sylvain De Guise.

wracklines-S 2021 Editor's column.pdf (324 kB)
Editor's column, contents and contributors

wracklines-S 2021 Rebuilding article pdf.pdf (3094 kB)
Rebuilding a Hopeful Future after a Year of Loss

wracklines-S 2021 Tested by article.pdf (641 kB)
Tested by the Pandemic, Seafood Businesses Now Poised to Emerge Stronger

wracklines-S 2021 Small Scale article.pdf (215 kB)
Small-scale Fisheries in Southeast Asia See Harsh Impacts of COVID-19

wracklines-S 2021 A Tale of article.pdf (1325 kB)
A Tale of Two Coastal States as the World Gets Wetter

wracklines Dolphin story 4.pdf (1023 kB)
CTSG's De Guise Helped Lead Research into Long-Term Effects of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Dolphins
