Wrack Lines
Document Type
Magazine Issue
Agribusiness | Agricultural and Resource Economics | Agricultural Economics | Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations | Environmental Policy | Environmental Studies | Marine Biology | Other Animal Sciences | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Environmental Health | Public Affairs
Articles in this issue explore various actions taken in response to different crises: lessons about the environment from the COVID-19 pandemic; how seafood sellers in the CT and Southeast Asia responded to the challenges of the pandemic; how the challenges of rising seas and developed coasts are being dealt with through managed retreat, buyouts and other actions in NC and CT; and research on the long-term effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on dolphins led by CTSG Director Sylvain De Guise.
Recommended Citation
Bonner, Lynn; Klee, Robert J.; Pomeroy, Robert; and Benson, Judy A., "Wrack Lines Volume 21, Number 1, Born Out of Crises: responses, research and reflections on a better future" (2021). Wrack Lines. 111.
Editor's column, contents and contributors
wracklines-S 2021 Rebuilding article pdf.pdf (3094 kB)
Rebuilding a Hopeful Future after a Year of Loss
wracklines-S 2021 Tested by article.pdf (641 kB)
Tested by the Pandemic, Seafood Businesses Now Poised to Emerge Stronger
wracklines-S 2021 Small Scale article.pdf (215 kB)
Small-scale Fisheries in Southeast Asia See Harsh Impacts of COVID-19
wracklines-S 2021 A Tale of article.pdf (1325 kB)
A Tale of Two Coastal States as the World Gets Wetter
wracklines Dolphin story 4.pdf (1023 kB)
CTSG's De Guise Helped Lead Research into Long-Term Effects of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Dolphins
Included in
Agribusiness Commons, Agricultural and Resource Economics Commons, Agricultural Economics Commons, Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations Commons, Environmental Policy Commons, Environmental Studies Commons, Marine Biology Commons, Other Animal Sciences Commons, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Environmental Health Commons, Public Affairs Commons