"Wrack Lines Volume 20, Number 1, Too Big? Too Late? Acting locally to " by Tessa Getchis, Tom Verde et al.

Wrack Lines

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ourney from the labs, classrooms and art studios of UConn to a threatened Caribbean island to the waters of Long Island Sound in the Spring-Summer 2020 issue of Wrack Lines.

The articles deal with subjects ranging from plastic pollution to solar-electric boating to a project at a school for girls in the Dominican Republic. This issue’s theme: “Too Big? Too Late? Acting locally to take on the world’s major challenges” summarizes the common thread: the stories all give examples of people doing their part to make some daunting problems a bit less overwhelming.

wracklines-S2020 B editor's and contents.pdf (3439 kB)
Editor's column, contents and contributors

wracklines-S2020 B paradise.pdf (2303 kB)
In a paradise threatened, teaching girls to be the change they want to see

wracklines-S2020 B pawcatuck artist.pdf (6138 kB)
As plastic trash fills the ocean, Pawcatuck artist finds a disturbing source of inspiration

wracklines-S2020 B plastic pollution.pdf (5567 kB)
From tiny shards to tons in the sea, plastic pollution presents a challenge to labs, beaches and society

wracklines-S2020 B Lifelong journey.pdf (4569 kB)
A lifelong environmental journey: my love of nature led to the New England woods, the Pacific Northwest and a UConn classroom

wracklines-S2020 B Plying the sound.pdf (3382 kB)
Plying the Sound while preventing pollution in the water and air
