"Wrack Lines Volume 21, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2021-22" by Nancy C. Balcom, Judy Benson et al.

Wrack Lines

Document Type

Magazine Issue


Archaeological Anthropology | Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology | Environmental Policy | Environmental Studies | Marine Biology | Other Social and Behavioral Sciences | Outdoor Education | Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration | Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology


"Discovery, Rediscovery and Rebirth: new eyes, new understanding of familiar places" is the theme for the Fall-Winter 2021-22 issue. The main article package consists of five stories about the lands and waters that will comprise the Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve (CT NERR). These are: overview and introduction; Great Island; lower Thames River; Bluff Point State Park; and Haley Farm State Park. Other articles include one on research into the cause of invasive Cladophora seaweed dominating Little Narragansett Bay; and another on the transformation of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History.

Editor's page accessible_wracklines-Fall 2021 Access 2c_11-9-2021.pdf (340 kB)
Editor's column, contents and contributors page

INTRO accessible_WL-Fall 2021 Access 2c_11-9-2021.pdf (1261 kB)
CT NERR nears official designation

GIsland accessible_WL-Fall 2021 Access 2c_11-9-2021-2.pdf (1272 kB)
Great Island: a place of wonderment, especially in August

Lower Thames accessible_WL-Fall 2021 Access 2c_11-9-2021-3.pdf (315 kB)
Lower Thames River: corridor for commerce, defense, recreation and education

Rediscovering Bluff Point - Wrack Lines 2021.pdf (1646 kB)
Rediscovering Bluff Point State Park: a place of gathering

Haley Farm accessible_WL-Fall 2021 Access 2c_11-9-2021-5.pdf (789 kB)
Haley Farm inspires many with its beauty and history, from grazing cows to preservation battles

NBay accessible_WL-Fall 2021 Access 2c_11-9-2021-6.pdf (962 kB)
To win back the health of Little Narragansett Bay, researchers first help diagnose the problem

Yale accessible_WL-Fall 2021 Access 2c_11-9-2021-7.pdf (1222 kB)
Yale's iconic natural history museum being transformed physically and culturally
