Wrack Lines
Document Type
Agricultural Economics | International and Community Nutrition | Marine Biology | Other Food Science | Other Nutrition | Plant Sciences
From Sea to Table: Fish, Shellfish and sea vegetables from local waters
Recommended Citation
Benson, Judy; Baldelli, Ann; Hanrahan, Bill; and Johnson, Ellen, "Wrack Lines Spring-Summer 2018" (2018). Wrack Lines. 104.
FROM.the.EDITOR.pdf (342 kB)
Editor's column
Table of contents
Creative.chefs.pdf (484 kB)
Creative chefs, retailers and savvy customers seek more Connecticut seafood
Dealers'.challenge.pdf (358 kB)
Dealers' challenge: matching supply, demand for old favorites, newly plentiful fish
Seafood.survey.pdf (269 kB)
Too few residents taking advantage of local seafood bounty
kelp.pdf (144 kB)
Long Island Sound cuisine extends beyond fish and shellfish to trendy sea vegetable
Clamming.pdf (359 kB)
The joy of being a hunter-gatherer of the sandy, salty realm
RECIPES.ofthe.SEA.pdf (387 kB)
Recipes of the sea
Writer bios & photo contest information
Connecticut's top species.pdf (194 kB)
Connecticut's top dozen commercial species in 2016
Market blitz article.pdf (541 kB)
First-ever 'market blitz' tallies availability of local seafood
Fish consumption.pdf (31 kB)
Fish consumption advisory from Connecticut Department of Public Health
wracklines Spring 2018 5_7 RECIPES.pdf (4177 kB)
More recipes of the sea
Editor's column
Table of contents
Creative.chefs.pdf (484 kB)
Creative chefs, retailers and savvy customers seek more Connecticut seafood
Dealers'.challenge.pdf (358 kB)
Dealers' challenge: matching supply, demand for old favorites, newly plentiful fish
Seafood.survey.pdf (269 kB)
Too few residents taking advantage of local seafood bounty
kelp.pdf (144 kB)
Long Island Sound cuisine extends beyond fish and shellfish to trendy sea vegetable
Clamming.pdf (359 kB)
The joy of being a hunter-gatherer of the sandy, salty realm
RECIPES.ofthe.SEA.pdf (387 kB)
Recipes of the sea
Writer bios & photo contest information
Connecticut's top species.pdf (194 kB)
Connecticut's top dozen commercial species in 2016
Market blitz article.pdf (541 kB)
First-ever 'market blitz' tallies availability of local seafood
Fish consumption.pdf (31 kB)
Fish consumption advisory from Connecticut Department of Public Health
wracklines Spring 2018 5_7 RECIPES.pdf (4177 kB)
More recipes of the sea