"Wrack Lines Volume 18, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2018-19" by Judy Benson, Robert Miller et al.

Wrack Lines

Document Type



Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Life Sciences | Marine Biology


Articles focus on 30 years of environmental history in Long Island Sound, specifically Norwalk, New Haven and Niantic harbors and the trends of two iconic species -- lobsters and shad.

wl.18.2.Editorcolumn.pdf (669 kB)
Editor's column

wl.18.2.LongIslandSound.progress&challenges.pdf (223 kB)
Long Island Sound: better today, but always a work in progress

wracklines Fall 2018 Norwalk small.pdf (483 kB)
In a cleaner Norwalk Harbor, birds and fish return, as the challenges of climate change loom

wracklines Fall 2018 New Haven small.pdf (555 kB)
As New Haven takes a green-first approach, the harbor gains too

wl.18.2.Table.of.Contents.pdf (611 kB)
Table of contents, What's in our names?

wracklines Fall 2018 Niantic small.pdf (1023 kB)
It takes a watershed to save a bay: From its headwaters to the beach, Niantic Bay needs everyone's effort to safeguard it into the future

wl.18.2.lobsters.pdf (1081 kB)
Long Island Sound to lobsters: is this farewell?

wl.18.2.shad.pdf (1091 kB)
Had any shad lately? It's time to rediscover Connecticut's state fish

wl.18.2.bios.photo.contest.pdf (568 kB)
Contributors' bios & photo contest winners
