"Wrack Lines Volume 19, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2019-20" by Judy A. Benson, Nancy C. Balcom et al.

Wrack Lines

Wrack Lines Volume 19, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2019-20

Document Type



"Rethinking Relationships...with the places we love" is the theme for the Fall/Winter 2019-20 issue of Wrack Lines magazine. Included are articles about the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve and Connecticut's plan for a NERR; the Long Island Sound Blue Plan; salt marsh migration research; Coastal Certificate gardening classes; advice on replacing lawn with pollinator habitat; planting wildflowers from seed; and the Editor's Column.

WL.FW19-20.cover.jpg (1230 kB)

Editor's.column.pg2.pdf (273 kB)
Editor's Column

Contents.contributors.pg3.pdf (659 kB)
Table of contents, contributors

Hudson.NERR..BLeukhardt.pdf (1133 kB)
On the Hudson River, a place to discover eels, hogchokers and the value of estaries

LIS.BluePlan.JBenson.pdf (1705 kB)
Long Island Sound Blue Plan: a guide for the estuary's future created from many voices

Marsh.migration.NBalcom.pdf (1691 kB)
Keeping up with sea level rise: natural and human influence on salt marsh migration

Coastal.certificate.JBenson.pdf (1286 kB)
Gardening for the bees, butterflies and birds

Let.It.Bee.JSirch.pdf (716 kB)
Let it bee: our freedome lawn can be yours too

Wildflower.class.AboutCTSeaGrant.BackCover.pdf (710 kB)
Wildflowers out of milk jugs: a simple way to help pollinators; What's in our names?; back cover

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