"Can Cross-age Tutoring Using Dialogic Reading Be a Feasible Post-Pande" by Cheryl C. Durwin, Dina Moore et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


This pilot study explores whether a shared book-reading approach—Dialogic Reading with Integrated Vocabulary Enrichment (DRIVE)—can be implemented as a cross-age intervention. DRIVE encourages vocabulary and comprehension using strategies summarized by the acronym, EMPOWERED. Older elementary children learned to use DRIVE in a single session and read to a younger child in a separate session one week later. We recorded EMPOWERED strategies used at the training and paired-reading session. Frequencies of strategy use and anecdotal observations suggest the feasibility of using DRIVE as a cross-age intervention. Based on these findings, plans are underway for a larger-scale cross-age DRIVE intervention.