"Towards College Health 2.0" by Joanne M. Crosman

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


This article conceptualizes a curriculum and evaluative mapping framework designed to advance the discussion and operationalization of a complex construct: A media literacy education / information literacy education / health education triad.

A review of the literature and previous theoretical frameworks, standards, and assessments provide support for the proposed pathways the model illustrates.

Health Education, Media and Information Literacy (HE MAIL): A Conceptual Model for Higher Education acknowledges our students’ power and participation in media, and supports their wellness. Emphasizing the interrelationship of research-based curriculum design and pedagogy, the conceptual model is organized into six primary components: (a) Backward Design for Curriculum Development; b) Learners (educators and students); (c) Health education goal, standards, performance indicators and characteristics; (d) Media literacy education, skills, key questions/core concepts, and criteria; (e) Information literacy, standards and performance indicators; and (f) Formative assessment.

The HE MAIL Conceptual Model imagines improving young adult’s’ health and teaching them to actively inquire, and think critically about the health messages they receive and create. It is intended that the model’s perspectives and fluidity will encourage educators to design or redesign interdisciplinary lessons, assignments, courses or curriculum connecting media and information literacy with health education. Together with its review of literature, HE MAIL provides insights into successful practices for improving wellness by integrating health content knowledge with essential 21st century literacies.