"Evaluating the TOSREC as a Brief RTI Screen for Early Struggling Reade" by Cheryl C. Durwin, Dina Moore et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Efficient response-to-intervention (RTI) screening is critical in urban schools where 60-80% of students read below grade-level. We evaluated the classification validity of the Test of Silent Reading Efficiency and Comprehension (TOSREC) in identifying students receiving school services using two first-grade cohorts in the same urban school. TOSREC slightly under-identified students receiving school interventions; however, most “under-identified” students did not receive interventions for reading problems. TOSREC accurately identified those not-at-risk, but over-identified students who were receiving our research-based reading intervention while waiting for school services. Results suggest that schools need sufficient resources to provide appropriate services for all students needing intervention.