"Conservative Endodontic Access – Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)" by Jeremiah M. Granados

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I-Ping Chen D.D.S., Ph.D., Kamran Safavi D.M.D., M.Ed., Aditya Tadinada B.D.S., M.Dent.Sci., Hisham Rifaey D.M.D., M.D.S

Field of Study

Dental Science


Master of Dental Science

Open Access

Open Access


Conservative endodontic access (CEA) results in minimal access in comparison to traditional endodontic access (TEA) which is defined as straight-line access. Our survey suggested that while 81% of general dentists would prefer to restore a tooth that received a CEA preparation, only 33% considered it a determining factor for their endodontic referrals (100 out of 129 responded: Response rate 77.52%). To test our hypothesis that CBCT images aid endodontists in CEA preparation, 45 extracted molars were accessed by one endodontic resident using techniques of TEA (Group A), CEA (Group B) or CEA with preoperative CBCT images provided (Group C)(n=15 per group). To determine the amounts of coronal dentin removal and the efficiency of each technique, the ratios of surface areas of coronal access to pulp floor were quantified from axial planes of CBCT images by CB Works software and the time spent for access preparation was recorded. Group A showed statistically significantly more coronal dentin removed when compared to Groups B and C by one-way ANOVA (surface areas of coronal access/pulpal floor: Group A: Group B: Group C= 1.37±0.38*: 0.88±0.42: 0.65±0.14; data represent mean ± SD, *p

Major Advisor

I-Ping Chen D.D.S., Ph.D.
