"Exploring the Medical Model Organizational Structure on the Collegiate" by Steven T. Gerhart

Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Dr. Stephanie Mazerolle, Dr. Craig Denegar, Dr. Lindsey Lepley

Field of Study



Master of Science

Open Access

Open Access


Purpose. The purpose of this study was to gain the perspective of athletic trainers employed at a university using the medical model as its organizational infrastructure as it relates to job satisfaction, professional commitment, work-life conflict. Methods. Data from our participants were collected through semi-structured interviews as well as a demographic questionnaire. We utilized data source triangulation and peer-review to establish credibility. A general inductive process was used for analysis. Results. Three common themes emerged that affected quality of life. Role congruity addressed the participants’ awareness of their role and how they contributed within the department. Worktime control was defined as the ability to effortlessly modify one’s work schedule in response to their daily needs. Collegial relationships refers to the sense of community, collegiality, and cohesion between the staff members within the department. Conclusion. Working in the medical model organizational infrastructure positively affect the athletic trainer’s quality of life.

Major Advisor

Dr. Stephanie Mazerolle
