
Submissions from 2024


Paralog switching facilitates diadromy: Ontogenetic, microevolutionary and macroevolutionary evidence, Rebecca S. Colby, Stephen D. McCormick, Jonathan P. Velotta, Elizabeth Jockusch, and Eric T. Schultz

Submissions from 2023


Evaluating Food Metrics of Lanternfishes in Waters of the Southeastern Pacific Ocean, Carolina Carcamo, Pepe Espinoza, Carlos Canales-Cerro, Stephanny Curaz-Leiva, Ana Brisca Guzman-Castellanos, Ivonne Quintanilla, Fernanda Vargas, Mauricio Zuñiga, Francisco Fernandoy, Patricio Galvez, Rene Vargas, Álvaro Saavedra, Chris Harrod, Eric T. Schultz, and Sebastian Klarian


What Are You Doing Here? Unexpected Occurrences of Knobfin Sculpins (Cottus Immaculatus) In Connecticut, Joshua M. Tellier, Brooke Winsmann, Michael Humphreys, Stella Minoudi, Alexandros Triantafyllidis, and Eric T. Schultz

Volatiles and Interspecific Competition, Stephen T. Trumbo

Submissions from 2022


Mark-Recapture Study and Habitat Assessment for the Northern Metalmark Butterfly, Calephelis borealis (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae), Weston J. Henry, Kristian S. Omland, Henry Frye, and Wagner L. David


Stomach Contents and Stable Isotope Analysis Reveal Ontogenetic Shifts and Spatial Variability in Brama Australis Diet, Sebastian A. Klarian, Eric T. Schultz, María Francisca Hernández, Juan Antonio Valdes, Francisco Fernandoy, Mónica Barros, Sergio Neira, and Hugo Arancibia


Seasonal Reproductive Allocation in Landlocked Alewife Alosa Pseudoharengus, in the Context of Niche Construction and Eco-Evolutionary Feedbacks, Foivos Mouchlianitis, Eric T. Schultz, and Kostas Ganias


HaloDaSH: The Deep and Shallow History of Aquatic Life's Passages between Marine and Freshwater Habitats, Eric T. Schultz and Lisa Park Boush

Caching Behavior in Burying Beetles, Stephen T. Trumbo

Species' variation in sex role specializations in a genus with stable biparental care, Stephen T. Trumbo


Repeated Targets of Natural Selection during Ecological Transitions of Fish Across Salinity Boundaries, Jonathan P. Velotta, Stephen D. McCormick, Andrew Whitehead, Catherine S. Durso, and Eric T. Schultz

Submissions from 2021


Discovery of Epiphytic Lichens in Connecticut Suggests Novel Introduction and Reintroduction via Horticultural Practices, Henry A. Frye, Zachary Muscavitch, and Bernard Goffinet


Ovarian dynamics and fecundity regulation in blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis, from the Connecticut River, US, Foivos Alexandros Mouchlianitis, Eric T. Schultz, Thassya C. dos Santos Schmidt, Justin P. Davis, and Kostas Ganias

Submissions from 2020


Using Harvest Slot Limits to Promote Stock Recovery and Broaden Age Structure in Marine Recreational Fisheries: a case study, Jacob M. Kasper, Jeffrey Brust, Amanda Caskenette, Jason McNamee, Jason C. Vokoun, and Eric T. Schultz


Bio-economic Outcomes under Alternative Management Strategies with Human Choice and Behavior: Modeling Tautog and Anglers' Preferences, Eric T. Schultz, Zhenshan Chen, Pengfei Liu, Stephen Swallow, and Jacob M. Kasper


A Synergism Between Dimethyl Trisulfide And Methyl Thiolacetate In Attracting Carrion-Frequenting Beetles Demonstrated By Use Of A Chemically-Supplemented Minimal Trap, Stephen T. Trumbo and John Dicapua III

Adaptive manipulation of information broadcast from a microbial community, Stephen T. Trumbo, Paula KB Philbrick, and Sandra Steiger

Data set: Comparative parental care in carrion beetles, Stephen T. Trumbo and Derek S. Sikes

Submissions from 2019


Comparison of Skull Size in Sympatric and Allopatric Fishers (Martes pennanti) and American Martens (Martes americana), Matthew Brandt, Miranda Davis, Tom Harrington, and Eric Schultz

Submissions from 2017


Developing an environmentally and economically sustainable sugar kelp aquaculture industry in southern New England: from seed to market, Charles Yarish, Jang Kyun Kim, Scott Lindell, and Hauke Kite-Powell

Submissions from 2016


Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Affects the Feeding Ecology of Early Stage Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Hudson River Estuary, Michael G. Smircich, David L. Strayer, and Eric T. Schultz

Submissions from 2013


Direct and indirect selection on floral pigmentation by pollinators and seed predators in a color polymorphic South African shrub, Jane E. Carlson and Kent E. Holsinger


Euryhalinity in an Evolutionary Context, Eric T. Schultz and Stephen D. McCormick

Submissions from 2012


Estimating covariation between vital rates: a simulation study of connected vs. separate generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs), Margaret EK Evans and Kent E. Holsinger


Salinity Preference of Alaskan Threespine Stickleback: Test for Divergence in Halotaxis between Ancestral and Landlocked Populations, David Fryxell and Eric T. Schultz


Theory and design of nature reserves, Kent E. Holsinger


The effect of historical legacy on adaptation: do closely related species respond to the environment in the same way?, Rachel Prunier, Kent E. Holsinger, and Jane E. Carlson


Integrating Ecology and Economics for Restoration: Using Ecological Indicators in Valuation of Ecosystem Services, Eric T. Schultz, Robert Johnston, Kathleen Segerson, and Elena Y. Besedin

Submissions from 2011


Angler Survey of the Connecticut River, Justin P. Davis


Extreme environments select for reproductive assurance: evidence from evening primroses (Oenothera), Margaret E.K. Evans, David J. Hearn, Kathryn E. Theiss, Karen Cranston, Kent E. Holsinger, and Michael J. Donoghue


Bioindicator-based stated preference valuation for aquatic habitat and ecosystem service restoration, Robert J. Johnston, Eric T. Schultz, Kathleen Segerson, and Elena Y. Besedin

Submissions from 2010


Environmental and Endogenous Factors Influencing Emigration in Juvenile Anadromous Alewives, Benjamin I. Gahagan, Eric T. Schultz, and Katie E. Gherard

Submissions from 2009


Temporal Shifts in Demography and Life History of an Anadromous Alewife Population in Connecticut, Justin P. Davis and Eric T. Schultz


Assessment of River Herring and Striped Bass in the Connecticut River: Abundance, Population Structure, and Predator/Prey Interactions, Justin P. Davis, Eric T. Schultz, and Jason Vokoun


"Genetics in geographically structured populations: defining, estimating and interpreting FST.", Kent E. Holsinger and Bruce S. Weir


Integrating Fluvial Geomorphology and Stream Ecology: Processes Shaping the Distribution of Freshwater Mussels in Connecticut, Piyumi T. Obeysekara, Eric T. Schultz, Melinda Daniels, and Jason Vokoun


Estimating Predation on Declining River Herring: Tag-recapture Study of Striped Bass in the Connecticut River, Eric T. Schultz, Justin P. Davis, and Jason Vokoun

Submissions from 2008


Mating Systems, Copulatory Organ Size, and Scaling Relationship in Mollies (Poecilia spp.), Martha Divver and Eric T. Schultz

A Bayesian hierarchical model for analysis of SNP diversity in multilocus, multipopulation samples, Feng Guo, Dipak Dey, and Kent Holsinger


A sex difference in seasonal timing of birth in a livebearing fish, Eric T. Schultz

Submissions from 2007


Annual Fecundity of Tautog in Long Island Sound: Size Effects and Long-Term Changes in a Harvested Population, Lori H. LaPlante and Eric T. Schultz


Determining Winter flounder Spawning Sites in Two Connecticut Estuaries, Eric T. Schultz, Jose J. Pereira, and Peter J. Auster

Submissions from 2006


Assessment of Anadromous Alewife and Blueback Herring Populations in Connecticut Coastal Streams and Connecticut River Tributaries, Justin P. Davis and Eric T. Schultz


Anadromous Rainbow Smelt and Tomcod in Connecticut: Assessment of populations, conservation status, and need for restoration plan, Heather A. Fried and Eric T. Schultz


Decreased reproductive investment of female threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus infected with the cestode Schistocephalus solidus: parasite adaptation, host adaptation, or side effect?, Eric T. Schultz, Michelle Topper, and David C. Heins


The genetics of sex determination in stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), Robynn K. Shannon and Kent E. Holsinger

Submissions from 2005


Bayesian models for the analysis of genetic structure when populations are correlated, Rongwei Fu, Dipak Dey, and Kent E. Holsinger


Polytomies and bayesian phylogenetic inference, Paul O. Lewis, Mark T. Holder, and Kent E. Holsinger


Polytomies and bayesian phylogenetic inference, Paul O. Lewis, Mark T. Holder, and Kent E. Holsinger


The Essentials on Estuarine Fish Habitat, its Evaluation and Protection by Federal Fisheries Law, Eric T. Schultz and Michael Ludwig


The Dynamics of Bay Anchovy in the Hudson River Estuary: Process-oriented Studies and Long-term Changes, Eric T. Schultz, Kamazima M. M. Lwiza, John R. Young, Kyle J. Hartman, and R. C. Tipton


Genetic consequences of tropical second-growth forest regeneration, Uzay U. Sezen, Robin L. Chazdon, and Kent E. Holsinger

Submissions from 2004


Bayesian approaches for the analysis of population genetic structure: an example from Platanthera leucophae (Orchidaceae), Kent E. Holsinger and Lisa E. Wallace


Distribution, Habitat Use, Growth, and Condition of a Native and an Introduced Catfish Species in the Hudson River Estuary, Stephen M. Jordan, Robert M. Neumann, and Eric T. Schultz


Extracting more out of relocation data: building movement models as mixtures of random walks, Juan Manuel Morales, Daniel T. Haydon, Jacqui Frair, Kent E. Holsinger, and John M. Fryxell

Submissions from 2003


Exact moment calculations for genetic models with migration, mutation, and drift, Rongwei Fu, Alan E. Gelfand, and Kent E. Holsinger


Mechanisms promoting upriver transport of two species of larval fish in the Hudson River Estuary (USA), Eric T. Schultz, Kamazima M M Lwiza, Megan C. Fencil, and Jennifer M. Martin

Submissions from 2002


A Bayesian approach to inferring population structure from dominant markers, Kent E. Holsinger, Paul O. Lewis, and Dipak Dey

Submissions from 2001


Do Naked Goby (Gobiosoma bosci) Larvae Exhibit Periodic Vertical Movements in Order to Facilitate Upriver Migration in the Hudson River Estuary?, Megan C. Fencil and Eric T. Schultz

Submissions from 1994


Recruitment of coral reef fishes to Bermuda: Local retention or long-distance transport?, Eric T. Schultz and Robert K. Cowen

Submissions from 1984


Social transmission of behavioural traditions in a coral reef fish, Gene Helfman and Eric T. Schultz