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Dissertations can be accessed from the Library digital repository (CTDA).
Submissions From 1999
Photoassociation: From a quasicontinuum model to coherent matter optics, Matthew Adam Mackie
Cultural and institutional factors in health promotion theory: The case of HIV prevention in Russia, Heather Madray
Message framing and college students' HIV-preventive behavior, Todd Simon Martinez
Investigating the determinants of cognitive ability test performance: Is "ei" more than meets the eye?, Dalene Lynn Masi
Studies of layered and pillared manganese oxide materials, Ying Ma
Catalysis using porous nanocrystalline electrodes of titanium dioxide and electrochemical analysis of DNA damage, Jeremiah Nduva Mbindyo
The nature of control in the problem-solving process: A study of Ph.D. mathematicians, Jean Marie McGivney-Burelle
In situ measurement of instantaneous dislocation velocities in iron single crystals at low temperatures ∼4.2 K, Thomas Joseph McKrell
In vitro and in vivo mutagenesis studies of site-specifically located DNA damages: Thymine glycol, urea, N-(guanin-8-yl)-1-aminopyrene, and ethenoadenine, John Matthew McNulty
Perceived parental acceptance-rejection, parental control, and marital satisfaction in a rural, biracial Southern community, Richard Lawrence Meth
Total triiodothyronine and leptin levels in sedentary ovulatory women and exercising women with ovulatory and luteal phase deficient menstrual cycles, Brian Edmond Miller
Trust, moral ties, and social responsibility, Jessica Prata Miller
Dr. New Deal goes to the movies: The New Deal and Hollywood, 1933--1938, Joan Irene Miller
Static headspace sampling followed by gas chromatography and gas chromatograhy-mass spectrometry applied to various complex matrices, Michael Edward Miller
Understanding health-related risk behaviors: A social causation approach to adolescent smoking transitions, Robert John Mills
Hypnosis and self-regulation training: An experimental comparison, Kathie Halbach Moffitt
Consensus and uniqueness in the perception of men and women in general and in particular, Cynthia Diane Mohr
Seedling performance in heterogeneous light environments: A multiscale approach, Rebecca Anne Montgomery
Phase behavior of semiflexible polymer systems, David Jordan Moonay
Large-amplitude torsional oscillations in a nonlinearly suspended beam: A theoretical and numerical investigation, Kristen Sigrid Moore
The role of space and behavior in an ant-membracid mutualism, Manuel Alfred Morales
Democracy, citizenship and constitution-making in New York, 1777--1894, Laura-Eve Moss
A room temperature method for the formation of ultrathin silicon oxide films, Richard John Muisener
Advective control of groundwater contaminant plumes using simulation and optimization, Ann Elizabeth Mulligan
Changes in the adult chinchilla cochlear nucleus following acoustic trauma, Susan Marie Muly
Ecological and genetic examinations of reproduction in a tropical epiphytic orchid across a fragmented forest habitat, Courtney Joy Murren
Prayerful voice: Self-shaping, intimacy, and the Puritan practice and experience of prayer, Robert James Naeher
Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in stress, Deepa Shivshankar Nagarkatti
Temperament in infancy and childhood: Stability, relationships with sleep/wake characteristics, and differences as a function of an intervention for irritable infants, Claire Louise Novosad
Constraints on feature checking, Masao Ochi
The word in transition: Joyce, Klee and Benjamin, Mary Theresa O'Connor
An examination of effective instructional and social interactions to learn English as a Second Language in a bilingual setting, Ana Maria Olezza
Interest groups and the price of cereals in Kenya, Benjamin Morang'a Onyango
Rhodium catalyzed homogeneous hydroformylation in supercritical carbon dioxide using perfluoroalkyl-substituted triarylphosphine ligands, Daniel Robert Palo
Characterization of the differential susceptibility of inbred mouse strains to azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis, Alexandros Papanikolaou
Photoassisted MOVPE growth of ZnSSe and ZnMgSSe on GaAs substrate, and simulation and fabrication of HBT's and solar cells, David Wahlgren Parent
Further development of the Child Anxiety Survey: An examination of construct validity via a multitrait-multimethod matrix, Deirdre Jennifer Passarello
White men's dreams, Black men's blood: African labor and British expansionism in southern Africa, 1877--1895, Christopher Michael Paulin
Effects of attention on rhythmic coordination, Geraldine Lynn Pellecchia
Ceramics with graded surfaces for contact damage resistance, David Charles Pender
The predictive power of combined neuropsychological measures for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, Eve Marie Perugini
A method for quantifying the biodynamics of abnormal distal upper extremity function: Application to computer keyboard typing, Donald Russell Peterson
An orchestral transcription of Peter Mennin's Five Piano Pieces based on a study of his early works for orchestra (1942--1953), Wayne Richard Pierce
A study of the relationship between selected characteristics of Connecticut proprietary schools and job placement rates, William Joseph Pizzuto
An acoustic analysis and auditory performance evaluation of pediatric hearing aid fittings, Sarah Foster Poissant
Personal financial decision-making: An experiential model, Barbara Sawtelle Poole
Assessing three process model predictions of mood and alertness levels using a sample of irregularly scheduled workers, Stephen Mark Popkin
Form without borders: The micro-relato in Latin America, Gareth Conan Amaya Price
Susbtantiation of child maltreatment allegations: Implications for reporting, screening, and investigation practices, Karin Lisa Price
Shades of guilt: A mass media effects experiment answering why dark skin implies guilt for jurors, Dwayne Christian Butler Proctor
Ethnic vitality among Asian-Americans and Hispanics: Do places matter?, Bandana Purkayastha
Taking comedy seriously: The comedic interpretion and performance of operatic repertoire, Susan E Quigley-Duggan
Mechanism of formation of a novel self-assembled protein microsphere system, Allison Elizabeth Radwick
Environmental characteristics related to achievement in Puerto Ricans, Vera Alice Ragland-Gardner
Neuropsychology of hypnosis: Frontal vs. non-frontal functioning in hypnotic and non-hypnotic contexts, Christine Barth Ramsay
Construct validation of the Child Abuse and Trauma Scale: Comparison to data obtained from a structured interview, Mary Elizabeth Rankin
A combined first principles and statistical mechanics method for the study of point defects in Al-rich NiAl systems, Marwan Farouk Rasamny
Enhanced excretion of dietary carcinogen via antibody-mediated sequestration, Max Vinther Rasmussen
The contribution of frequency and semantic similarity to morphological processing, Michal Raveh
An investigation of the physical attractiveness stereotype, Steven Brian Reed
The genesis and compositional history of Theodore Dreiser's "An American Tragedy", John William Reynolds
Circadian rhythms of locomotor activity, metabolic rate, and body temperature in the fossorial and eusocial naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber): A behavioral and neuroanatomical study of the circadian system, Alexandra Pilar Riccio
Mechanistic studies on enzymatic nitroarene reduction and implications for the fate of nitroarene mixtures in redox-stratified biofilm, Roger Guy Riefler
Inertial constraints on limb proprioception are independent of visual calibration, Michael Alan Riley
Market reaction to open-market stock repurchase announcements: Evidence from the insurance industry, Titos E Ritsatos
Toward an implementation model of mathematics word problem-solving for English language learners, Ricardo Rosa
From hurting to healing: The dynamic process of meaning-making in the lives of twenty-one midlife women, Barbara Lyn Rosen
Effects of goal setting procedures on students' mathematical achievement and self-efficacy, Leslie Roche Roulier
Hydrophilic-hydrophobic interpenetrating polymer networks containing poly(vinyl pyrrolidone), Susan Lynn Roweton
Imagery in student poetic response to literature, Gregory Lynn Rubano
Visual influences on the auditory perception of passability, Michael Keith Russell
Examinations of conscience: Robert Parsons' "Christian Directory" and Catholic spirituality in post-Reformation England, David A Salomon
Bimanual haptic attention, Marie-Vee Santana
Tissue distribution and alternative splicing of Art2a and b transcripts in C57BL/6 mice, Deborah Figueira Sardinha
The systematics of Deprea raf. and Larnax (Miers) Hunz. (Solanaceae), Neil William Sawyer
Insights into the evolution of repetitive genes: Structure, organization, and expression of histone genes in Drosophila virilis, John Edmund Schienman
Effect of intense strength training on walking speed, standing balance, and sit-to-stand performance in older adults, Jeffrey Alan Schlicht
Spirituality in young adults at risk, Cynthia Ann Wonsowicz Schmidt
Perceptions of Malaysian ESL low achievers about English language learning, Parilah Mohd Shah
Purification and characterization of proteins required for the assembly of a sequence-specific complex at a yeast origin of replication, Nader Shakibai
Retinoid regulation of PEPCK gene expression in transgenic mice, Dong-Ju Shin
An investigation of multipotentiality among university honors students, Laurie Diane Shute
Extrinsic and intrinsic cue utilization: Effect of country-of-origin on consumer attitude. A synthesis approach, Kiranjit Ahluwalia Sikand
Indicators of academic achievement: A structural equation model, Bethany Bernais Silver
A systems engineering framework for solvent discovery, Manish Sinha
Aeroacoustic computation of subsonic flows, Scot Andrew Slimon
Marital satisfaction and locus of control in dual-earner couples: An analysis of current trends, Heather Dee Simon Smith
Characterization of the acute nasal response to inspired acetaldehyde in the F-344 rat, John James Stanek
Rehabilitation professionals in North America: Their perceived level of knowledge pertaining to essential information regarding learning disabilities, Pamela Jill Starr
The evolution of gametophytic self-incompatibility: A theoretical perspective, Jennifer Elizabeth Steinbachs
Pictorial presentation of verbal stimuli: A semantic memory study using an adaptation of the California Verbal Learning Test, Michael Craig Stevens
What do second-position cliticization, scrambling and multiple wh-fronting have in common?, Sandra Stjepanovic
Nocturnal boundary layer turbulence over a tree canopy, Thomas Ellsworth Stoughton
"The sweetness of not dying": Henry James and the immortal consciousness, Christopher John Stuart
Validation of a Spanish language test of verbal learning and memory: The Perri Test de Aprendizaje Verbal y de Memoria, Patrick Thomas Swift
Earnings management through derivative activities: Evidence from banks, Kinsun Tam