"Evaluation of Increased Low-fat Dairy Consumption on Metabolic Syndrom" by Christine E. Dugan

Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Dairy metabolic syndrome inflammation weight loss lipoproteins dietary changes

Major Advisor

Maria Luz Fernandez

Associate Advisor

Sung Koo

Associate Advisor

Nancy Rodriguez

Associate Advisor

Cameron Faustman

Associate Advisor

Jane Kerstetter

Field of Study

Nutritional Science


Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Campus Access


Evaluation of Increased Low-fat dairy Consumption on Metabolic Syndrome Parameters, Lipoprotein Metabolism, and Inflammation in Low Dairy Consumers

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) prevalence is well established. Epidemiological data support dairy’s protective effect against MetS parameters. Few randomized clinical trials have tested dairy’s effect on these parameters in subjects clinically defined as having MetS. This study investigated the effect of increased dairy intake on MetS markers, lipoprotein metabolism, and systemic inflammation in typically low-dairy consumers who met the NCEP ATP III MetS criteria.

Thirty-seven adults (n=37, 54 ± 9.7years) were randomized to incorporate low-fat dairy (LFD) (10 oz 1% milk, 6 oz non-fat yogurt, 4 oz 2% cheese) or isocaloric carbohydrate control foods (CNT) (1.5 oz. granola bar and 12 oz 100% juice) into their usual diet for 6-wk in a crossover study design. Anthropometrics, blood pressure, and dietary intake were measured and fasting plasma samples were taken at the beginning and ending of each intervention.

LFD differentially modulated MetS parameters and inflammatory markers according to gender. In women, body weight, waist circumference and body mass index were lower (p
