"Teaching Writing in Science Grades 6-12: A National Survey" by Sally V. Drew

Date of Completion


Embargo Period



writing instruction, disciplinary literacy, writing in science

Major Advisor

Dr. Natalie Olinghouse

Associate Advisor

Dr. Michael Faggella-Luby

Associate Advisor

Dr. Megan Welsh

Associate Advisor

Dr. Scott Brown

Field of Study

Educational Psychology


Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Campus Access


This study investigated the current state of writing instruction in science classes (grades 6-12). Typical practice was examined against a theoretical framework for disciplinary writing in science that promises to promote better writing and content outcomes for all students. A random sample of 287 certified science teachers from the United States was electronically surveyed. Participants reported on their purposes for teaching writing in science class, the writing assignments they most often give students in science class, their use of evidence-based writing practices, and the instructional adaptations they make for struggling writers. The Tailored Design Method was used to organize the design, implementation, and analysis of results through the Qualtrics online survey management system. Results inform recommendations for teacher education, professional development, and instructional reform for disciplinary writing in science.
