UCHC Graduate School Presentations | University of Connecticut Health Center Graduate School | University of Connecticut


Submissions from 2007


The Challenges of Living with Disabilities in Connecticut, Nancy Caruk, Christopher Chabot, Russell Melmed, Carlos Rivera, and Amy Barr-Saxena

Osteoblast Response to Commercially Available Ti-6Al-4V and Novel Porous Tantalum. In Vitro Biocompatibility Studies, Karen Sagomonyants, Mariam Hakim-Zargar, Michael Aronow , and Gloria Gronowicz

Submissions from 2006


Improving Health Literacy in Connecticut: A Prescription for Healthy Lives and Communities, Annamarie Beaulieu, Kimberly Lewendon, Christine Torres, and Laurie DeChello

Submissions from 2005


Halting Childhood Obesity in Connecticut, Luce Buhl, Pamela Meliso, Susan Roman, Katie Zito, and Laurie DeChello