"Acute Kidney Injury in the Elderly" by Zachary Palanza

Date of Completion

Spring 5-1-2023

Thesis Advisor(s)

David Goldhamer

Honors Major

Molecular and Cell Biology


Medical Molecular Biology | Medical Pathology


Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a significant clinical concern in the elderly, marked by heightened incidence rates, increased morbidity and mortality, and impaired kidney repair mechanisms. AKI often has severe consequences, including extended hospital stays, heightened rates of chronic kidney disease, and elevated healthcare costs. The vulnerability of elderly individuals to AKI is amplified by age-related structural and functional changes in the kidneys, reduced physiological reserve, and increased exposure to nephrotoxic agents. The impaired kidney repair mechanisms observed in the elderly pose further complexities in AKI management. With age, the regenerative capacity of the kidneys diminishes, resulting in incomplete recovery and long-term renal dysfunction. Therefore, identifying strategies to promote effective kidney repair and regeneration in the elderly is crucial. Investigations into age-related factors such as cellular senescence, oxidative stress, and inflammation will provide valuable insights into AKI pathogenesis and facilitate the development of targeted interventions. Furthermore, understanding the interplay between gender differences and comorbidities in AKI among the elderly necessitates ongoing research.
