"CloudBots: Autonomous Atmospheric Explorers" by Akash Binoj

Date of Completion

Spring 5-25-2022

Thesis Advisor(s)

Jinbo Bi, Ashwin Dani

Honors Major

Computer Science


Acoustics, Dynamics, and Controls | Computer-Aided Engineering and Design | Computer and Systems Architecture | Electro-Mechanical Systems | Hardware Systems | Robotics


The CloudBot is an autonomous weather balloon that operates on the principle of variable buoyancy to ascend and descend in the atmosphere. This project aims to develop a device that will collect atmospheric measurements and communicate them mid-flight. The apparatus consists of a helium-filled balloon, the robotic payload, and an air cell. The fixed-volume helium balloon at the top provides an upwards buoyancy force, while the air cell at the bottom can hold a variable amount of pressure to adjust the weight of the CloudBot. By doing so, it is able to travel in storm conditions and collect valuable atmospheric variables to help model storms and predict them faster.
