"An Analysis of Abdominal Stability Following Hyperthermic Exercise in " by Carli Ceckanowicz

Date of Completion

Fall 12-15-2019

Thesis Advisor(s)

Douglas Casa

Honors Major

Exercise Science


Endocrine System | Medical Physiology | Musculoskeletal, Neural, and Ocular Physiology | Musculoskeletal System | Reproductive and Urinary Physiology | Sports Sciences | Translational Medical Research


Core stability is essential for maintaining safety and optimizing performance during exercise and sport. The purpose of this study is to analyze how heat and hydration status (euhydrated USG<1.025 or dehydrated USG>1.025) can impair trunk stability in males and females (in both follicular and luteal phases) using the Trunk Stability Test (TST). Participants complete three blocks of 30 minutes of hyperthermic (35±1.299 oC and 49.418±5.0329% relative humidity) treadmill exercise. Exercise intensity is equivalent to 15 minutes at either 11W/kg or 7W/kg and the following 15 minutes at either 7W/kg or 4W/kg, respectively, based on individual heat production data. TST data will be collected in one familiarization trial, and 24 hours after each exercise trial. Males will complete one trial euhydrated and one dehydrated, females will complete each hydration prescription twice, once in the follicular phase and once in the luteal phase. Results showed a higher average of TST errors for euhydrated trials, regardless of gender. Males had a higher average number of errors in both euhydrated trials and in the baseline assessment. Females had a slightly more errors in the dehydrated trials. Females in the luteal phase had a higher number of errors in euhydrated trials. Follicular phase females showed a higher average TST score in dehydrated trials. No results in this analysis were statistically significant. Fatigue of the abdominal muscles can lead to increased postural swaying and instability lower in the kinetic chain that increases the risk of musculoskeletal injury, therefore it is important to understand how accessory muscle groups like the abdominals behave under hyperthermic and dehydrated stress.
