"Commedia by Zabbo" by Laura Zabbo

Date of Completion

Spring 5-6-2012

Thesis Advisor(s)

Karen Ryker

Honors Major

Dramatic Arts


Acting | Theatre and Performance Studies


After studying Commedia Dell'arte with world renowned maestro, Antonio Fava, in Reggio Emilia, Italy, I returned to the States and continued to develop my craft by teaching others and creating a self-produced Commedia Dell'arte show. Using Fava's training from the month-long course in Italy, I used the foundation of the traditional Commedia Dell'arte characters, their physicality, and the stock story-lines to build my own one-woman comical performance that was completely relevant to the setting. The show was completely self-written and directed, and was performed using sculpted Commedia Dell'arte masks from Bart Roccoberton and his puppetry students.

Commedia by Zabbo opened on April 1st, 2012.

Included in

Acting Commons
