"Moving United States Health Care Forward" by Thomas R. O'Neill

Date of Completion

Spring 5-8-2011

Thesis Advisor(s)

Victoria Robinson

Honors Major

Cell Biology


Public Administration | Public Health


Substantive Health Care reform poses one of the greatest current challenges to the American political system. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 marks the most recent attempt at approaching this daunting task. Charged with expanding coverage while controlling costs, it pursues a sundry number of legislative solutions to achieve these seemingly incompatible goals. Despite the strides the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has made, lingering educational, pharmaceutical, and legal concerns stand to derail progress made on fixing the health care system. If these goals are to be successful, a number of additional measures are needed to supplement recent reforms. The policy recommendations in this paper look to ameliorate these areas of concern, and further strengthen United States health care. Without the implementation of these policy initiatives, we cannot expect to see a successful expansion of coverage nor a reduction in the growth of health care related costs. The human infrastructure, technological innovation, and cost efficiency such recommendations provide for are the premise on which a higher achieving system must be built.
