Date of Completion

Spring 5-1-2024

Thesis Advisor(s)

Diana Sobieraj

Honors Major

Pharmacy Studies


Pharmacy Administration, Policy and Regulation


This systematic review aimed to identify pharmacy student and school characteristics that are associated with higher postgraduate residency placement. Studies had to be an observational or experimental investigation, analyze pharmacy students and/or pharmacy schools, and report the statistical association, correlation, MV regression, propensity score analysis or matched analysis between a student or school variable with match success. Only studies that utilized multivariate analyses were included. The NewsCastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Form for Cohort studies was used to assess risk of bias in the included studies. Student and school-level factors were then collected and synthesized via full text review. In total, there were 11 included studies. This review was limited by the observational design of the individual studies, the high likelihood of confounding factors, the types and frequency of characteristics explored, and the limited number of pharmacy students and schools analyzed by the included studies. In this study, it was found that the student characteristic of higher GPA, and the pharmacy school characteristics of higher NAPLEX pass rates, public funding, and a curricular program length over three years were associated with higher match rates.
