"Investigating Asian American History and Its Roots in New England: A C" by Karen Lau

Document Type



Political Science | Economics


Prof. Jason O. Chang, Dept. of History | Prof. Grace Player, Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction


Asian American Studies | Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Secondary Education


Connecticut is the first state to include Asian American and Pacific Islander studies in the K-12 public school curriculum, requiring boards of education to offer AAPI studies by the 2025-2026 school year. This curriculum supports the state’s efforts to teach students about AAPI history with a focus on New England. Under this six-week curriculum, students will learn about the transnational immigration of Asian indentured workers, the legacy of the Chinese Educational Mission, the heroism and resistance of Japanese Americans during World War II, the patriotism of Asian American and Pacific Islanders in the armed forces, and the activism of past and present Asian American civil rights leaders. This interdisciplinary curriculum will compel students to think critically about the socioeconomic and political forces that impact their communities and challenge them to identify often-overlooked ethnic groups such as Pacific Islanders, Native Hawaiians, and South Asians. Moreover, this is a culturally sustaining and historically responsive curriculum both in content and delivery that responds to students’ needs and affirms their identities. This curriculum utilizes the K-12 Connecticut Social Studies Frameworks and Guiding Principles by using inclusive, intersectional lenses that counteract racial stereotypes, teaching local and global issues through diverse perspectives, and reinforcing learning through local connections.
