"Targeting Senescent Cells to Improve Wound Healing Using a p21-Cre Mou" by Mingda Sun

Targeting Senescent Cells to Improve Wound Healing Using a p21-Cre Mouse Model

Document Type



Nutritional Sciences


Prof. Ming Xu, UConn Center on Aging


Genetics and Genomics | Life Sciences


Our research studies how clearing p21 highly expressing senescent cells may improve wound healing using the p21 Cre mouse model. Senescent cells are linked to driving many age related pathologies and chronic diseases, with p21 expression being a hallmark of certain senescentcell populations. Our lab created a novel mouse model, the p21 cre model, that utilizes the Cre recombinase and loxP system to eliminate senescent cells in the presence of tamoxifen. Using this model, we showed that clearing p21 senescent cells improves wound healing in lean mice and alters cellular markers related to senescence and inflammation. We hope to eventually develop our findings into clinically applicable strategies for targeting wound healing, especially chronic, non-healing wounds that occur with conditions like Type II diabetes and obesity.


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