"The Effect of Degree of Acetylation on Injectable Glycol Chitosan Degr" by Sanjana Nistala

The Effect of Degree of Acetylation on Injectable Glycol Chitosan Degradation and Sustained Release

Document Type



Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science


Prof. Lakshmi Nair, Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery (UConn Health)


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common chronic musculoskeletal disorder with significant pain, for which no optimal treatments are currently available. This project is one in a series of steps towards the development of a novel injectable curcumin-glycol chitosan hydrogel for arthritic pain management. For developing an effective therapeutic strategy, controlled and sustained delivery of the bioactive molecule is important. The proposed study aims to evaluate the relationship between the degree of acetylation of glycol chitosan and gel degradation and sustained drug release through a series of studies, including qualitative and quantitative analysis of glycol chitosan degradation, characterization techniques such as H-NMR, and a curcumin release study.


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