"Dietary Analysis and Epigenetic Comparisons of Drosphila Melanogaster " by Xu (Kevin) F. Zheng

Document Type



Cell Biology | Molecular Biology


Nutrition and the lack thereof has been a demanding issue in both the undeveloped and developed country. The unbalance diet between healthy and unhealthy diet has led to many of the problems presented in society such as obesity, heart disorders, and loss of longevity. It is now known that calorie may not provide the most accurate information in terms of the lifestyle and the well-being of humans. Rather the composition of the calorie is what becomes integral in people's understanding of the effect of food physiologically. With this knowledge, we seek to use a Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism to both confirm the current hypothesis on the role of yeast and sucrose and also to collect new data looking at the genetic changes that occurs at the epigenetic level. Our result supports both prior researches while also disproving others. We found that a yeast-rich diet produced flies fit flies that have higher fecundity rate while having reduced feeding rates. On the other hand, flies fed on high sugar have lower fecundity rate and have shortened lifespan. Our data also reveals that ablibitum flies that tend to increase feeding rate when placed on high sugar concentration as oppose to high yeast concentration. These data will help future research in understanding the mechanism of the interaction between metabolism, health-related disorders, and longevity.
