Plant Science Articles | Department of Plant Science | University of Connecticut


Submissions from 2020


George Argus’s list of Salix references, YULIA KUZOVKINA-EISCHEN

Submissions from 2016


Reducing Pollen Dispersal using Forest Windbreaks, Carol Auer, Thomas Meyer, and Vernie Sagun

Submissions from 2014


Ploidy Number for Panicum virgatum (switchgrass) from the Long Island Sound Coastal Lowland compared to Upland and Lowland Cultivars., Tanisha Williams and Carol Auer

Submissions from 2009


Relationships between soil nitrate desorbed from anion-exchange membranes, canopy reflectance and nitrate leaching losses from cool-season lawn turf., Thomas J. Barry, Karl Guillard, and Salvatore S. Mangiafico


Quantifying turfgrass-available N from returned clippings using anion-exchange membranes, Kelly L. K.opp and Karl Guillard

Submissions from 2007


Cool-season turfgrass color and growth calibrated to leaf nitrogen, Salvatore S. Mangiafico and Karl Guillard


Nitrate leaching from Kentucky bluegrass soil columns predicted with anion exchange membranes, Salvatore S. Mangiafico and Karl Guillard

Submissions from 2006


Enhanced Cold Tolerance in Transgenic Tobacco Expressing a Chloroplast Omega-3 Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene under the Control of a Cold-inducible Promoter, Mariya Khodakovskaya, Richard McAvoy, Jeanne Peters, Hao Wu, and Yi Li


Expression of ipt Gene Controlled by an Ethylene and Auxin Responsive Fragment of the LEACO1 Promoter Increases Flower Number in Transgenic Nicotiana tabacum, Mariya Khodakovskaya, Degang Zhao, William Smith, Yi Li, and Richard McAvoy

Anion exchange membrane soil nitrate predicts turfgrass color and yield., Salvatore Mangiafico and Karl Guillard


Fall Fertilization Timing Effects on Nitrate Leaching and Turfgrass Color and Growth, Salvatore Mangiafico and Karl Guillard

Submissions from 2005


The Effects Of Reinforcement Inclusions On Wear Tolerance, Playing Quality And Physical Properties In A Silt Loam And Sand Rootzone Matrix, William M. Dest, Karl Guillard, and Scott Ebdon


Ball Response and Traction of Skinned Infields Amended with Calcine Clay at Varying Soil Moisture Contents, Seth A. Goodall, Karl Guillard, William M. Dest, and Kenneth R. Demars


Effects of Cor15a-IPT Gene Expression on Leaf Senescence in Transgenic Petunia x hybrida and Dendranthema x grandiflorum., Mariya Khodakovskaya, Yi Li, Jisheng Li, Radomíra Vanková, Jirí Malbeck, and Richard McAvoy


Clipping Contributions To Nitrate Leaching From Creeping Bentgrass Under Varying Irrigation And N Rates, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard


Turfgrass Reflectance Measurements, Chlorophyll, and Soil Nitrate Desorbed from Anion Exchange Membranes, Salvatore S. Mangiafico and Karl Guillard


The Cell Density-Dependent Expression of Stewartan Exopolysaccharide in Pantoea stewartii ssp. stewartii is a Function of EsaR-Mediated Repression of the rcsA Gene., Timothy D. Minogue, Aurelien L. Carlier, Maria D. Koutsoudis, and Susanne B. von Bodman

Submissions from 2004


Kentucky Bluegrass Response to Potassium and Nitrogen Fertilization, R. J.M. Fitzpatrick and Karl Guillard


Nitrogen Fertilizer Form and Associated Nitrate Leaching from Cool-Season Lawn Turf, Karl Guillard and Kelly L. Kopp


Biofilm Formation in Plant-Microbe Associations, Bronwyn E. Ramey, Maria Koutsoudis, Susanne B. von Bodman, and Clay Fuqua


Structural Basis and Specificity of Acyl-Homoserine Lactone Signal Production in Bacterial Quorum Sensing, William T. Watson, Timothy D. Minogue, Susanne B. von Bodman, Dale L. Val, and Mair E. A. Churchill

Submissions from 2003


Extractable Soil Phosphorus Concentrations and Creeping Bentgrass Response on Sand Greens, Karl Guillard and William M. Dest


Quorum sensing in plant-pathogenic bacteria, Susanne B. von Bodman, W. Dietz Bauer, and David L. Coplin

Submissions from 2002


Clipping Management and Nitrogen Fertilization of Turfgrass: Growth, Nitrogen Utilization, and Quality, Kelly Kopp and Karl Guillard


Relationship of Turfgrass Growth and Quality to Soil Nitrate Desorbed from Anion Exchange Membranes, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard


The autoregulatory role of EsaR, a quorum-sensing regulator in Pantoea stewartii ssp. stewartii: evidence for a repressor function., Timothy D. Minogue, Markus Wehland-von Trebra, Frank Bernhard, and Susanne B. von Bodman

Submissions from 2001


Bentgrass response to K fertilization and K release rates from eight sand rootzone sources used in putting green construction., W. M. Dest and Karl Guillard

Submissions from 1998


A negative regulator mediates quorum-sensing control of exopolysaccharide production in Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii., S B von Bodman, D R Majerczak, and D L Coplin