"Here's What I Know" by Kelsey Miller

Document Type

Unpublished Material


Art Practice | Interdisciplinary Arts and Media | Printmaking



Now, at the end of three years of graduate school, is a time for reflection—and a time to piece together a narrative of how I got to now. In our first semester here, we were given an assignment in a drawing class to gather pictures, text, and objects that informed or inspired our studio practice, a Collectanea. At the end of that semester, we documented and compiled our collection into a photo book—an atlas of our thoughts and observations. That book became the bones of the work I have made over these last three years. New thoughts and ideas have emerged along the way, but all are linked to that original collection of content. That Collectanea laid out a visual roadmap of my studio practice and my thoughts behind it; this is a written expansion of it.

When the New York Times pieces together information in realtime for a developing story, they do not purport to have the entire picture. Instead, they begin the article with Here’s What We Know. The work in the exhibition Close Third Person and in this writing is not a summary of the last three years; it is a glimpse at one chapter of an unfolding story.

Here’s What I Know.