Published Works

Document Type



Library and Information Science


The University of Connecticut Libraries was one of five Phase 1 libraries that participated in the ClimateQUAL® survey in 2007. Once the quantitative and qualitative results were received, the Libraries needed help understanding how to interpret the findings and respond. The Libraries turned to a library organizational development consultant for assistance with both interpreting the results and beginning to address them. The consultant designed a format for focus groups to provide anonymous but more detailed, experience-based information which helped the Libraries discover, understand and appropriately respond to the root causes of 'problem' areas indicated in the ClimateQUAL® Survey. A summary report, based on compiled data and including recommendations, was submitted and discussed with the Libraries’ Leadership Council. Assisting that group in understanding that problems were embedded in the Libraries' systems, policies or practices, and should be divorced from 'personal blame' was an important part of the 'helping' role of the consultant. In line with organization development practice, recommendations were made to engage those closest to the 'problems’, the staff, in designing and recommending improvements to internal systems. The organizational development consultant advised the formation of six teams to address internal systems and an initial three teams, prioritized by the consultant and comprised of staff members from across the library, were formed. These teams were charged to “formulate a set of recommended actions that will contribute to a healthier organizational climate that promotes enhanced customer service by improving the Libraries’: (1) leadership and team decision-making systems; (2) performance management system; and (3) hiring, merit, and promotion systems. Each team’s key findings and recommended actions are shared as well as progress to date on the teams’ recommendations. The consultant also recommended that the Libraries track customer satisfaction with a LibQUAL® survey every three years and administer the ClimateQUAL® survey three years after the pilot survey.


This is a preprint of an article submitted for consideration by the Journal of Library Administration in 2013 by its authors. The Journal of Library Administration is available online at

LAC-Phipps et al 1018 (2).pptx (178 kB)
Presented at Library Assessment Conference 2010
