As of August 11, 2020, the submission process has changed. Please refer to the Master's Thesis Information page for information, instructions and links.
Masters Theses can be accessed from the Library digital repository (CTDA).
Theses from 2014
Effects of Post-Race Nutritional Intervention on Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness and Return to Activity in Ironman Triathletes, Jun Hashiwaki
Non-Destructive Evaluation and Maintenance of Thermal Barrier Coatings, Martin P. Hawron
Gender Performance as an Everyday Strategy in Turkey, Caner Hazar
Directional Selective Neurons In Awake LGN: Response Properties And Modulation By Brain State, Xiaojuan Hei
Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding the Collection of Race, Ethnicity and Primary Language Information in Healthcare Settings, Roberto A. Henry
The Diagnostic Stability of Developmental Delay and Developmental Language Disorder in Infants and Toddlers, Alexander J. Hinnebusch
Tensile Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Reinforcement Bar, Corey P. Hollmann
The Final Whistle: An In-Depth Analysis of How Elite Transfer Student-Athletes Adapt to Life After Intercollegiate Sport, Julianne Hubbard
Materials Development and Characterization for Tissue Engineering Applications, Kenneth Hung
The Impact of Breast Health Education on Knowledge Regarding Mammography and Intention to Obtain Annual Mammograms in Low-Income Women of Hartford County, Connecticut, Samantha Syeda Huq
Uh, Um, and Autism: Filler Disfluencies in Children with Optimal Outcomes from Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christina Anne Irvine
Sequential Logic Circuits Using Spatial Wavefunction Switched (SWS) FETs, Neeraja Jagadeesan
The Effectiveness of Tipback Mechanics for Correction of Class II Malocclusion, Nandakumar Janakiraman
DSM-5 Autism Criteria Applied to Toddlers with DSM-IV-TR Autism, Dasal T. Jashar
DSM-5 Autism Criteria Applied to Toddlers with DSM-IV-TR Autism, Dasal T. Jashar
Does Nutrition Education Influence Snack Choices of Preschoolers?, Laura Joseph
Interpreting Kafka: Literary and Philosophical Perspectives, Trevor Korb
The Effect of Cyclophilin A on Vaccinia Virus Replication in vitro, Kathryn Korhonen
Design of Biomechanical Sensor System for Laboratory- and Field-based Measurements of Hand-Arm Vibration Exposures and Palm and Finger Forces, Simon Kudernatsch
Rapid Prototyping Tools for Power Electronic Converters, Amruta V. Kulkarni
It Isn’t Just Skin Deep: Adolescents and Appearance in Connecticut, Avery LaChance
Cross-Structures and their Role in the Development of the Taiwan Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Ellen A. Lamont
Recruitment Patterns of the Fouling Community on Eelgrass in Long Island Sound, Diana Lancaster
Flow Field And Mixing Characteristics of Multiple Reacting Jets In Vitiated Crossflow, George M. Lapaan
Impact of Role Model Gender and Communality on College Women’s Math Performance and Interest in STEM, Elizabeth K. Lawner
Preschoolers’ Emotion Regulation: Maternal Perspectives on Tantrums and Emotion Regulation, Alicia J. Leland
How Much Is Too Much? Debunking the Effects of Parental Over-Involvement at Home, Angran Li
Mother-Child Interactions and Emotion Regulation in Preschool Children, Courtney R. Lincoln
Control and Navigation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Yuqian Liu
Treating Wastes with Microbial Fuel Cells(MFCs) and Microbial Electrolysis Cells(MECs), Yan Li
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of PSA-Based Prostate Cancer Screening, Nadezhda I. Lomakina
Bimodal Approach Using Spectroscopy and Digitial Imaging to Assist Otitis Media Diagnosis, Kaitlyn M. Longo
Evaluation of Endodontic Irrigation Protocols in the United States, German Luezas
The Effect of Salinity on the Growth and Nutrient Status of Ornamental Crops Grown Under Partial- and Full-Saturation Sub-Irrigation Management, Kranti Laxmi Macherla
The Role of Strength and Power in High Intensity Military Relevant Tasks, Jesse Maladouangdock
Impact of Leaflet Material on Transcatheter Aortic Valve Function, Andrea Mandragouras
Optical Security using the Double-Random-Phase Encryption with Photon-Counting, Adam Markman
Courtly Inspirations for La Cappella dei Magi, Brandon Mathias
Finite Element Formulation of Phase Field Fracture, Alexandros N. Mathioudakis
Efficacy of Plant Compounds for Reducing Foodborne Pathogens on Fresh Produce, Tyler E. Mattson
A Closer Look at Violent Crimes among Severely Mentally Ill Patients Who Use Cocaine, Deepa Jayanti Mavani
Changes in FMS™ Scores in a NCAA Division 1 Men’s Collegiate Golf Team, Danielle McDermott
Bioremediation and Phytoremediation Systems for Breaking Down Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in Contaminated Sandy Soil, Patrick McIntosh
Synthesis of Pyrrole-modified Porphyrins: Oxachlorins, and the Beckmann Rearrangement of Octaethyl-2-oxa-chlorin Oxime, Eileen V. Meehan
An Insight to Psychological Health, Health Behaviors, and Bodyweight Among Correctional Employees, Christina Mignano
Contrasting Leaf Shapes Vary in Extent of Solar Tracking: Revisiting Darwin's "Service to the Plant", Kerri Mocko
Biocompatible Fluorescent Hydrogel Fiber for Glucose Monitoring, Srilaya Mopidevi
Comparison of Geophysically-derived and Surficial Sediment-based Estimates of Seismic Risk in Hartford County, Connecticut, Sarah L. C. Morton
Early Characteristics of Children Who Lose Their Autism Diagnosis Between Age Two and Four, Emily Moulton
Roubaud's Circus: Playing with Words and Animals in Les animaux de tout le monde, Miranda R. Mueller
High Order Statistics of Natural and Manmade Sounds, Rahul Narayan
Programmable Safety Zones; Smart (location-safe) Devices and Sensor Networks, Rahul Narayan
Fluvial Terraces and Post-Glacial River Incision Along the Farmington and Housatonic Rivers in Southern New England, Amberlee Nicoulin
De Gustibus non est Disputadem: the Culinary Arts, Ferran Adrià, and Documenta 12, Jean A. Nihoul
Chemically Modified Proteins as Highly Stable Building Blocks For Functional Bionanomaterials, Marc J. Novak
Effects of Reading Ability on Perceptual Flexibility In Spoken Language Processing: A Pilot Study, Joslynn Sara Noyes
Labor for Whom? The Effects of Paid and Unpaid Labor on the Four-Year College Enrollment of Male and Female Students, Heidi C. Obach
The Prevalence of Burnout and Depressive Symptoms in Medical School, Alexander J. Ocampo
Manipulation of Larval and Winter Habitat Reveals Potential Effects of Urbanization and Climate Change on Wood Frogs in Connecticut, Jason H. O'Connor
The Effects of Robot-Child Interactions on Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Coordination, Kinga Palatinus
Use of Thermally Grown Oxide Stress Measurements to Predict Remaining Life of Thermal Barrier Coatings under Realistic Turbine Engine Conditions, Nirav V. Patel
Structural Properties of Titanium Dioxide Films for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Tulsi Patel
Geomicrobial Investigation of Thrombolites in Green Lake, New York and Highborne Cay, Bahamas, Molly Patterson
A Novel Clustering Technique to Identify Chemicals, Priya Periaswamy
Conservation of Bridle Shiner (Notropis bifrenatus) in Connecticut: Issues in Detecting an Elusive Species, Kasey C. Pregler
Dynamical X-Ray Diffraction from Arbitrary Semiconductor Heterostructures Containing Dislocations, Paul Rago
Athletic Directors' Barriers to Hiring Athletic Trainers in High Schools, Samantha J. Raso
Making the Invisible Visible: Latin American Women with Undocumented Status and their Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence, Maria Teresa (Maytte) Restrepo-Ruiz
The Influence of Geographic Location on Sexual Behaviors Related to the Transmission of HIV in Mainland Tanzania, Ashley E. Robinette
The Role of Symbiosis in the Emergence of Threatened Terrestrial Orchids: Orchid Mycorrhizae Abundance and Population Success, Rachel Rock-Blake
The Role of Nrf2 in the Differential Susceptibility of Male and Female Mice to Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity, Philip Rohrer
Let’s Go to the Movies A Discussion on the Role of Women in DEFA Film, Lauren Rommal
Three-dimensional Analysis of the Impacted Maxillary Canine: Localization and Assessment of Severity, Greg Ross
Immediate Versus Delayed Loading of Two Unsplinted Implants Supporting a Locator™ Retained Mandibular Overdenture. A Randomized Controlled Study, satoko o. rubin
Protist Facilitated Transport in an Artificial Soil Micromodel, Rebecca L. Rubinstein
Inhibition of Urinary Tract Infections and Biofilm Formation on Long-term Indwelling Urethral Catheters through Antibacterial Coatings, Jonathan L. Russo
Improving Alarm Management Efficacy through Predictive Modeling and Trending, Edward J. Ryan IV
Mechanisms of NSAID-Induced Small Intestinal Injury: Role of Bacterial Beta-Glucuronidase, the Microbiome, and Mitochondria, Kyle S. Saitta
De négation et Création dans la Poésie Lyrique Amoureuse Occitane et Française au Moyen Âge, Maria G. Sanchez-Reyes
G9a is Required for Normal Cerebral Cortical Development, Saranya Santhosh Kumar
The Effects of an Injury Prevention Program in an Aquatic Environment on Landing Technique, Samantha E. Scarneo
A Master Plan for Riverside Park, New London, Connecticut: A Case Study of the Project and an Evaluation of Its Service Learning Component, Madeline Rose Schad
Experimental Studies of Turbulent Local Extinction, Marc D. Schneider
The Influence of Travel Stress and Jet Lag on Power and Force, Paul J. Secola
Iron Oxide-Organic Matter Coprecipitates and Controls on Copper Availability, Neila N. Seda
Infants May Be Sensitive to Asynchronous Audiovisual Speech, Kathleen E. Shaw
Determinants of Family Planning Service Uptake and Use of Contraceptives among Postpartum Women in Rural Uganda, Katelyn M. Sileo
Nineteenth Century Collecting Practices and the Wallace Collection, Lindsay B. Simon
A Comparison of Single Leg Squat and Side Step Cut Kinematics in Healthy and ACL Reconstructed Populations, Jarrett JE Sorge
PEG-based Fluorescent Hydrogel for Glucose Biosensing, Gayathri Srinivasan
The Stress Response to an Acute Heavy Resistance Exercise Protocol, Adam J. Sterczala
The Influence of Intermittent Hand Cooling on Rectal Temperature and Performance in the Heat While Wearing an American Football Uniform, Michael W. Sundeen
Multivariate Remote Process Sensing for Online Quality Control of Injection Molding, Xinyao Tang