"Identifying Association Between Pedestrian Safety Interventions and St" by Franklin J. Caraballo

Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Nalini Ravishanker, PhD; Karthik Konduri, PhD

Field of Study

Civil Engineering


Master of Science

Open Access

Open Access


Pedestrian fatalities are becoming a larger percentage of overall fatalities in the United States, therefore pedestrian safety research is essential for understanding and improving pedestrian safety. Pedestrian safety interventions are often used to educate and consequently improve pedestrian behavior. This study used pedestrian safety interventions to assess their effect on the respondents’ stated crossing behavior. Also, specific demographic data was used in this study to identify behavioral trends regarding street crossing behavior. The results show that pedestrian safety interventions are significantly associated with changes in pedestrian crossing behavior. The effect of the interventions was predominantly positive, since the respondents’ behavior after the interventions were given showed improvement relative to a comparison group. This study also found significant association between demographic variables such as gender, age, marital status and having kids. Women were more compliant than men, and respondents aged twenty-five years or younger were more compliant after the interventions. Married respondents were more compliant than unmarried ones. Respondents who drive often were more compliant, but having been involved in a car accident was not significant in explaining crossing behavior. This study was able to assess the effect of pedestrian safety interventions and also was successful in identifying behavioral trends among respondents.

Major Advisor

John N. Ivan, PhD
