"Can Portable Band Sawmill Operators Help Address Connecticut’s Small S" by Frances E. P. Champagne

Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Thomas E. Worthley, Benjamin Campbell

Field of Study

Natural Resources


Master of Science

Open Access

Open Access


The shrinking average size of Connecticut forested land parcels, as well as increased interest in roadside forest management activities and small-acreage treatments for wildlife habitats, all necessitate scale-appropriate management methodologies for tree harvesting and vegetation management. Corresponding value-added processing for wood products, such as with portable band sawmills, has the potential to foster local markets and utilization of wood products in the small quantities produced. A survey of portable band saw mill operators (PBSOs) in Connecticut was conducted to help determine the capacity for PBSOs to assist in addressing the state’s small-scale forest management needs. Results of the survey revealed that the majority of sawmill owners are over the age of 60; age and annual income had significant effects on interest in operating a PBSO business, whereas sawmill ownership and income effected possible interest in becoming part of a niche market. Current sawyers indicated a need for education in harvesting and operational practices, value-added techniques, and marketing, with an additional interest in obtaining logs from roadsides. PBSOs can be of assistance in addressing small scale forest management needs.

Major Advisor

John C. Volin
