Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Dr. Jose A. Gascon; Dr. Alfredo Angeles-Boza

Field of Study



Master of Science

Open Access

Campus Access


Chromotropism or color change of diverse organic and inorganic materials is an intriguing aspect of chemical research and the chemical industry. Research studies are being conducted on chromotropisms, including thermochromism, piezochromism and solvatochromism, and these changes in color are quantified using known color systems such as CIE Colorimetry. Most of these materials constitute inorganic and organometallic complexes in coordination chemistry utilizing a variety of transition metals. Some of these materials, such as Reichardt's Dye, demonstrate distinct solvatochromism and can have applications in qualitatively and quantitatively preliminarily characterizing many polar and nonpolar solvents. We report here a modified synthesis of the solvatochromic material, hexammine nickel tetrafluoroborate, [NiNH3)6][(BF4)2]. Analysis of crystallography and structure of this material will lead to further analysis of this material's distinct solvatochromism in the liquid state, using liquid UV-VIS as an important characterization method.

Major Advisor

Dr. Steven L. Suib
