Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Laura Burton, Janet Fink, John Settlage

Field of Study



Master of Arts

Open Access

Campus Access


The purpose of this study was to evaluate an in-school supplemental reading program that promoted independent reading to Kindergarten through eighth grade students in low-income urban neighborhoods. Using social capital theory as a framework to analyze the program, sought to evaluate from the teachers’ perspective if the use of sport and college volunteers to lead this effort are successful means of influence. This study found that this in-school supplemental reading program was successful in its incorporation and infusion of these two resources to encourage students to read independently. Although this study found that sport can influence the reading norms of school students ( r =. 687, p < .01) and the teachers’ perceptions of the in-school reading program on its own (r = .702, p < .01), the use of sport is perceived to be a secondary cause of influence compared to the college student volunteers on the teachers’ perceptions of the RISE program (r= .832, p < .01) and on the student reading norms (r = .761, p <.01).

Major Advisor

Jennifer E. Bruening
