Date of Completion


Embargo Period



John Mullaney; Glenn Warner

Field of Study

Natural Resources


Master of Science

Open Access

Open Access


Groundwater derived from fractured crystalline bedrock is an important resource in Connecticut. Despite its importance we know very little about this resource. This study was conducted at the Plant Science and Landscape Architecture Research and Education Facility, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. The objectives of this study were: to improve the characterization of the hydrogeology of the facility; to develop a method to determine the amount of recharge to the bedrock from the overburden during pumping and non-pumping periods; and to develop an approach that can be used in evaluating the sustainability and zone of contribution of bedrock pumping wells. The study entailed installation of bedrock and overburden wells, conducting pump and slug testing, initiating a ground water level monitoring system and estimating ground water flow conditions. Water levels were monitored under pumping and non-pumping conditions to access zones of contribution to wells. The recession rates of the overburden and bedrock were used to estimate the recharge rate to the bedrock under non-pumping conditions. As a conservative estimate of the recharge rate during pumping, the non-pumping vertical gradient was used. Three different zones of contribution were developed based on the effects of pumping and hydraulic divides. Results include: under non-pumping conditions, 30 to 50 percent of the water that recharges the overburden recharges the bedrock; predicted flow amounts to pumping wells were within 30% of the actual amount pumped; using the most conservative area of contribution, the estimated recharge from the overburden matched within 10% of the water being pumped.

Major Advisor

Gary Robbins
