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Manisha Desai, David Embrick, Elizabeth Holzer
Field of Study
Open Access
Open Access
White men represent a disproportionate number of mass murderers via guns/bombings in the U.S. Though, there may be disparities in how often white masculinity is probed as a conflictual site of socialization when compared with other social racial and gender identities. Holding concern for how masculine violence is criminalized across racial lines, I conduct a review of racial typificiations of Black crime in newspapers to juxtapose with contemporary discourse of white masculine crime.
Using content analysis, I examine hundreds of newspaper publications released from 2011-2016 covering mass killers. I look for tendencies from paper writers to minimize sociological similarities between cases, especially in favor of pathological approaches to explaining disorder as a path to violence.
Recommended Citation
Hall, Rhys, "Covering a Killer: A Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of White Male Mass Murderers in the U.S" (2018). Master's Theses. 1317.
Major Advisor
Manisha Desai