Date of Completion
Embargo Period
Carl Coelho, Jennifer Mozeiko, Wendy Chase, Jean McCarthy
Field of Study
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Master of Arts
Open Access
Open Access
This study aims to determine the relationship, if any, of daily dietary intake of adult individuals living independently in the community and swallow function/ dysfunction. It appears that individuals modify their diet as they age and the correlation between this awareness of diet modification and dysphagia is unclear. Using the Yale Swallow Protocol and a study specific questionnaire, this relationship was examined. The results indicate future research should focus on the bi-directional relationship between malnutrition and dysphagia in the aging, community dwelling population.
Recommended Citation
Barone, Lillian A., "An Examination of Daily Dietary Intake and Swallow Function in an Older Adult Population" (2017). Master's Theses. 1112.
Major Advisor
Carl Coelho