Date of Completion
Embargo Period
Mark Westa, Dr. James C. Kaufman, Dr. Richard L. Schwab, Dr. Mary J Fischer
Field of Study
Plant Science
Master of Science
Open Access
Open Access
The real problems, needs and opportunities of urban neighborhoods are not being served by conventional models of urban planning and sustainable development. The city of New Haven, Connecticut will be studied to develop a framework for planning and design of the public realm (public space/place/landscape) which addresses urban neighborhood sustainability through a social lens, using a mixed-methods, transdisciplinarity research model. Geospatial data on social capital and cultural vitality indicators will be integrated with other sustainability indicators to create a quantitative analysis component. Development of a participatory design process to foster social bonding, creativity and sustainability inquiry will comprise a qualitative component for the framework.
Recommended Citation
Gilroy, Rachel D., "Social Capital, Creativity and Cultural Vitality: Prioritization Factors for Sustainable Public Space Systems Design" (2016). Master's Theses. 1022.
Major Advisor
Kristin Schwab