Using data from March Current Population Surveys we find gains from economic growth over the 1990s business cycle (1989-2000) were more equitably distributed than over the 1980s business cycle (1979-1989) using summary inequality measures as well as kernel density estimations. The entire distribution of household size-adjusted income moved upwards in the 1990s with profound improvements for African Americans, single mothers and those living in households receiving welfare. Most gains occurred over the growth period 1993-2000. Improvements in average income and income inequity over the latter period are reminiscent of gains seen in the first three decades after World War II.
Recommended Citation
Burkhauser, Richard V.; Couch, Kenneth A.; Houtenville, Andrew; and Rovba, Ludmila, "Income Inequality in the 1990s: Re-Forging a Lost Relationship?" (2004). Economics Working Papers. 200411.