The role of imaginative processes in hypnotic responsiveness: The influence of response cues in the hypnotic scale

Date of Completion

January 1997


Psychology, Clinical




Participants given a modified Carleton University Responsiveness to Suggestion Scale (CURSS) with goal-directed fantasies (GDF's) removed from hypnotic suggestions scored higher on objective, subjective and involuntariness measures of hypnotic response than participants given the standard CURSS suggestions.^ Those receiving the standard CURSS suggestions reported more GDF's. Automatic GDF's were positively correlated with hypnotic response, both across and within groups, while intentional GDF's were unrelated to response scores. Goal Imagery was significantly correlated with subjective scores for the group given the standard suggestions. Absorption measured on the Tellegen Absorption Scale was unrelated to hypnotic response.^ Most participants passing the suggestions believe in the reality of the ideomotor and challenge suggestions, but did not believe the cognitive suggestions were real. Despite the belief in the reality of the challenge suggestions, most participants believed they could have resisted the suggestions and performed the challenges if they really wanted to. ^
