"Cohesion, performance, and satisfaction in the co-acting sport of coll" by Daryl Gerald Arroyo

Cohesion, performance, and satisfaction in the co-acting sport of collegiate wrestling

Date of Completion

January 1996


Psychology, Social|Education, Physical|Recreation




This investigation was designed to examine the relationship between cohesion and absolute success, relative success, and satisfaction/enjoyment in the co-acting sport of collegiate wrestling. Cohesion was assessed by the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ) (Widmeyer, Brawley, & Carron, 1985) which measures four aspects of cohesion. Performance was measured by absolute success, relative success, and tournament placement.^ Data was gathered from the NC A Division III intercollegiate wrestling teams in the NECCWA. A total of 112 subjects completed the study. The GEQ was administered to the 12 teams early in the season, at midseason, and at the last regular season competition.^ The hypotheses of this study suggested positive correlation and prediction relationships between the individual and team scores on the four GEQ measures of cohesion, and relative success, absolute success, and satisfaction/enjoyment. The data was analyzed using Pearson product moment correlation coefficients, several multiple regression analyses, and several discriminant function analyses.^ The strongest and most consistent relationship found throughout this study was the significant positive relationship between cohesion and satisfaction/enjoyment, In the multiple regression analysis, satisfaction/enjoyment significantly predicted individual GEQ scores, while individual GEQ scores significantly predicted satisfaction/enjoyment.^ Some strong positive correlations existed between a team's cohesion and a team's absolute and relative success. Due to the small sample size of 12 teams and the necessary alpha level adjustment for multiple tests, these correlations were not significant. However, these results do suggest that in the co-acting sport of collegiate wrestling, there may be a positive relationship between cohesion and performance.^ Past research does not make it clear whether team cohesion in a co-acting sport should be encouraged or discouraged as a means to enhance performance and satisfaction/enjoyment. The results of this study along with Williams and Widmeyer (1991) suggest that cohesion should be encouraged in co-acting sports teams.^ Further study is recommended to examine the relationship between cohesion, performance and satisfaction/enjoyment in co-acting sports. These studies should utilize the GEQ to assess cohesion, and attempt to examine large numbers of teams and athletes. ^
