"Substance abuse education for undergraduate nursing students: A target" by Jill M Espelin

Substance abuse education for undergraduate nursing students: A target approach to program evaluations

Date of Completion

January 2010


Health Sciences, Mental Health|Education, Evaluation|Health Sciences, Nursing




The purpose of this study was to measure pre and post-test knowledge in response to an educational intervention. This program evaluation was completed on 68 undergraduate nursing students to determine if education related to substance use, alcohol poisoning and high risk behavior had an impact on knowledge base. The educational intervention was effective in increasing knowledge base of lower performing students on the pretest. The findings of the program evaluation suggest that alcohol related education can be used to increase knowledge of students nurses who care for others who use and abuse substances as well as taking care of self. Nineteen multiple choice pre test and post test questions were used to measure knowledge gained after the educational intervention. As a way to evaluate students behavioral responses to the educational intervention provided, an eight item survey was posed to the students. The survey used a four point Likert Scale. Pender's Health Promotion Model was used as the theoretical framework. ^
