"An exploration of Peruvian women's voices and experiences related to d" by Tatiana Melendez

An exploration of Peruvian women's voices and experiences related to domestic violence

Date of Completion

January 2010


Women's Studies|Psychology, Counseling|Sociology, Individual and Family Studies|Gender Studies




This qualitative study focused on the exploration of Peruvian women's experiences related to domestic violence. Twenty Peruvian women who were survivors of domestic violence and resided in Lima, Peru participated in this study. This research study was completed using critical social theory and feminist theory. The methodology of this study was critical ethnography. Four themes emerged from the analysis of the results: power and control, social context, resistance and resilience. Reflexivity of the researcher and participant's voices are included. In addition, implications for cross-cultural studies, education and training in counseling, and application of social policies are discussed. ^
