"Integrating levels of behavior support in the classroom" by Sarah Ann Fairbanks

Integrating levels of behavior support in the classroom

Date of Completion

January 2007


Education, Educational Psychology|Education, Special




Evaluating student behavior change in response to three successively intensive evidence-based behavior interventions was the primary purpose of this study. The first intervention focused on teaching and reinforcing classroom rules. The second intervention was a targeted group intervention called Check-in and Check-out (Hawken & Homer, 2003). The third intervention focused on function-based behavior support. Twelve students across four classrooms participated and were selected due to their engagement in high rates of problem behavior. Of the 12 participants, 8 received the universal intervention, 2 received the targeted intervention, and 2 received the individualized intervention. Targeted and individualized interventions were layered onto the universal intervention. Results are discussed in terms of evaluating "Response to Intervention" and implementing multi-tiered systems of support in the classroom. ^
