"Creativity and intelligence: A study of Brazilian gifted and talented " by Angela M. Rodrigues Virgolim

Creativity and intelligence: A study of Brazilian gifted and talented students

Date of Completion

January 2005


Education, Educational Psychology




Brazil faces the challenge of preparing teachers to work in gifted and talented education, which includes the development of a coherent conception of giftedness and a thorough understanding of students' academic and social/emotional needs. Over the past several decades, many conceptions of intelligence and creativity have been offered by researchers and practitioners. However, the relationship between these constructs is still inconclusive. In Brazil, little research has investigated the creative abilities of Brazilian students, examined how creativity might be related to intelligence, or explored people's conceptions of intelligence and creativity. Therefore, the present study investigated the relationship between intelligence and creativity test scores of identified gifted and talented students attending an enrichment program in the Federal District, Brazil, and determined how students and their resource room teachers perceived intelligence and creativity. ^ An ex post facto design was used to investigate the correlation between intelligence and creativity test scores of 100 identified gifted and talented students, ages 9-17, and 15 teachers in grades 4 through 8 of an enrichment program for gifted students in the Federal District. A Pearson product-moment correlation was computed to determine the magnitude and the degree of relationship between students' scores on Raven's Progressive Matrices - SPM and the Urban and Jellen's Test for Creative Thinking - Drawing Production - TCT-DP. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to address students and teachers' perceptions of creativity and intelligence. Multiple case studies were used to gather data from students and their teachers; information on students' abilities, interests, learning styles, self-concept, and behavioral characteristics were coded and categorized for patterns and themes. ^ The results of the correlational analysis indicated a significant relationship between intelligence test scores and creativity test scores (r=.21, Effect Size=.04) among Brazilian gifted and talented students (N=100), with a small practical significance. Students and teachers perceived students' creative and intellectual abilities favorably. Teachers and students defined intelligence as reasoning and knowledge; teachers also acknowledged creative thought. Both teachers and students perceived creativity as divergent-thinking ability and recognized the role of knowledge in solving problems. Students and teachers considered creativity, intelligence, and giftedness as related constructs. ^
