"Flame Combustion Synthesis of Nano-materials for Catalysts and Sensors" by Rishabh Jain

Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Reactive Spray Deposition Technology, Acetone sensors, NOx sensors, Acetone Breathalyzers, Diabetes, Blood Glucose, Water-gas Shift reaction, Catalysts

Major Advisor

Prof. Radenka Maric

Associate Advisor

Prof. C. Barry Carter

Associate Advisor

Prof. S. Pamir Alpay

Associate Advisor

Prof. Yu Lei

Associate Advisor

Mr. Ken Furusaki

Field of Study

Materials Science and Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Open Access


Synthesis of functional nanomaterial thin films using a scalable flame combustion technique called Reactive Spray Deposition Technology (RSDT) was explored. Nanomaterials were used as sensing film for local gas monitoring and human breath analysis for medical diagnosis (different phases of WO3) and catalysts for water-gas shift (WGS) reaction (Pt supported on ceria). Areas of application include: handheld portable devices for immediate breath composition monitoring, medical diagnosis, and environment monitoring (workplace, residence and automobile). Two case studies will be explained in detail: (1) acetone sensing in human breath for blood glucose monitoring and (2) NO2 sensing for air quality monitoring. A study of the RSDT synthesis technique and control of crystal structure, porosity, and nanoparticle size will be demonstrated. The detailed study of acetone and NO2 sensing mechanism will be explained in detail, including sensor performance and stability testing.
