"Induced and Coinduced Modules over Cluster-Tilted Algebras" by Khrystyna Serhiyenko

Date of Completion


Embargo Period


Major Advisor

Ralf Schiffler

Associate Advisor

Jerzy Weyman

Associate Advisor

Thomas Roby

Field of Study



Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Open Access


We propose a new approach to study the relation between the module categories of a tilted algebra C and the corresponding cluster-tilted algebra B. This new approach consists of using the induction functor as well as the coinduction functor. We give an explicit construction of injective resolutions of projective B-modules, and as a consequence, we obtain a new proof of the 1-Gorenstein property for cluster-tilted algebras. We show that the relation extension bimodule is a partial tilting and a tau-rigid C-module and that the corresponding induced module is a partial tilting and a tau-rigid B-module. Furthermore, if C tilted from a hereditary algebra A, we compare the induction and coinduction functors to the Buan-Marsh-Reiten functor from the cluster-category of A to the module category of B. We also study the question which B-modules are actually induced or coinduced from a module over a tilted algebra.
