Date of Completion


Embargo Period



market based assets, social media, firm financial value, acquisition

Major Advisor

William Ross

Associate Advisor

Hongju Liu

Associate Advisor

Joseph Pancras

Field of Study

Business Administration


Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Campus Access


Today, firms generally face the problems of having limited market-based resources and yet aiming to generate maximum value and performance. Thus, being able to quantify market-based assets and translate them to scalable measurement is one key to develop firm competitive advantages and sustainable capabilities. In response to the research agenda above, my dissertation looks at how, and by how much market-based assets are valuable to firm performance. I examine these research questions empirically in the acquisition context and provide underlying theoretical explanations to enhance understanding of why market-based assets are valuable to firm performance.

Marketing scholars have been working for years to use quantitative methods to empirically understand why and how marketing related assets and strategies should create value for firms. Recent works in the marketing finance interface have been dedicated to developing advanced analytics by linking firm financial performance variables with marketing instruments. This dissertation follows the same philosophy to examine the relationship between marketing strategies and their measurable financial outcome. The two studies have been conducted with the following shared motivation and contributions.

First, the dissertation looks at how different aspects of marketing-related instruments affect firm performance. Second, both essays in the dissertation answer these marketing questions by using the standard quantitative measures communicated by boardroom executives, shareholders and stakeholders. We use firm operating performance measures, financial stock market measures, and annual financial report measures in our empirical setting in the two essays. This helps provide managerial implications that are general and practical. Third, both dissertation essays investigate these research questions in the M&A empirical setting using financial performance datasets and the Thomson One Bank database. These databases, that provide the two essays with the company specific and deal specific marketing and financial measures, are new to the marketing literature.

Available for download on Saturday, November 16, 2024
